All posts tagged "WAR DOGS"
Movie Geeks | August 22, 2016
This Week’s WAMG Podcast – WAR DOGS, BEN-HUR, BLOOD FATHER and More!
This week’s episode of our podcast WE ARE MOVIE GEEKS The Show is up! Hear WAMG’s Jim Batts...
Movie Geeks | August 3, 2016
Win Passes To The Advance Screening Of WAR DOGS In St. Louis
From director Todd Phillips (“The Hangover” trilogy) comes WAR DOGS, starring Oscar nominee Jonah Hill (“The Wolf of...
Michelle McCue | March 25, 2016
Jonah Hill And Miles Teller Star In Todd Phillips’ WAR DOGS Trailer
From director Todd Phillips (“The Hangover” trilogy) comes the action comedy WAR DOGS starring Oscar nominee Jonah Hill...