All posts tagged "VHS"
Michael Haffner | September 23, 2014
Fantastic Fest 2014: V/H/S: VIRAL – The Review
What started as a clever way of combining the current found footage trend and fun anthology horror has...
Jerry Cavallaro | October 16, 2012
NYCC 12: Saturday & Sunday Recap
Shockingly, I arrived for my second day at NYCC with enough time to walk around the convention a...
Movie Geeks | June 24, 2012
GHOST STORIES: The New Era of Horror Cinema
Written by Christopher Melkus Horror movies are almost predictably cyclical compared to other genres of filmmaking. Often, one...
Andy Triefenbach | July 29, 2009
I Heart Horror: Childhood
VHS was my best friend for my teenage years. Seeing pictures of Scott’s latest “Never Forget” tattoo...
Scott | November 25, 2008
Movies in Rewind: The first VHS/VCR encounter…
The article below was written by one of my co-workers, Keith, and he delves into his experience with...