All posts tagged "Top 10 List"
Movie Geeks | March 2, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday: Not Your Grandma’s Fairy Tale
In case you haven’t noticed all the hype and TV spots, Tim Burton returns to theaters this Friday,...
Movie Geeks | February 23, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday: Worst Buddy Cop Movies
After a short hiatus, Top Ten Tuesdays are back… “With a Vengeance!” Sorry, we just couldn’t help ourselves....
Movie Geeks | January 19, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday: Angels in Hollywood
Scott Stewart’s new film LEGION opens on Friday, January 22 and we’ve decided to take a cinematic angelic...
Kent | October 5, 2009
Fantastic Fest 2009: Kent’s Top 10 Picks
Fantastic Fest was a very strong festival with a lot of amazing movies battling it out for the...
Scott | June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day from the Movie Geeks!
We want to wish all the Dads out there a very happy Fathers Day! Being a father myself...
Movie Geeks | May 12, 2009
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Greatest Opening Scenes
They are the first things we see. They are the launching point for your film. They...
Movie Geeks | December 31, 2008
We Are Movie Geeks End of the Year Wrap-Up: Most Anticipated Films of 2009
What are you looking forward to? Â Are you interested in where the next ‘Terminator’ film is gonna...
Movie Geeks | November 24, 2008
WAMG: Top 10 Movies We’re Thankful For…
With the Thanksgiving holiday rapidly approaching, we’re all gearing up for the annual ritual of stuffing our faces...