All posts tagged "sylvester stallone"
Michelle McCue | March 31, 2010
Brand Spankin’ New Trailer for THE EXPENDABLES
Here’s the newest theatrical trailer from Yahoo! Movies and is it slicker than snot… Talk about your testosterone levels flying...
Kirk | October 27, 2009
Sly, Arnie, and Bruno Together Again for EXPENDABLES
THE EXPENDABLES long surpassed that point where it became every, 80s geek boy’s dream. Once Stallone signed up...
Scott | October 13, 2009
Promo trailer for THE EXPENDABLES is incredible
Well judging from this “promo” trailer for THE EXPENDABLES, this movie is going to kick our asses. Directed...
Kirk | September 8, 2009
‘Rambo V’ Gets a New Title, Synopsis, and Promo Poster
Sometimes, I wake up and thank God I am me. I relish in what I have been...
Travis Keune | August 31, 2009
America’s New Pandemic… Sequelitis!
As if we weren’t burdened enough these days with the Swine Flu and the ailing economy, now Hollywood...
Scott | August 18, 2009
First Look at Footage from ‘The Expendables’
In UFC 102 Randy Couture will face off against Antônio Rogério Nogueira so they decided to do a...
Kirk | August 3, 2009
‘Cliffhanger 2’ to be Written by Fred Dekker?
Let’s see the possibilities here. A UFO crash-lands on a mountain, and killer slugs turn a snowboarding...
Kirk | July 28, 2009
See Sylvester Stallone Getting ‘Expendables’ Ink Done…
He asked for a 13, but Mick drew a 31… Actually, we can’t guarantee this is a still...
Kirk | June 14, 2009
Danny Trejo Updates from CineVegas: No ‘Expendables’ and ‘Machete’ Shoot Date Set
Our good buddy, James, over at Gordon and the Whale got their hands on some exclusive pieces of...
Kirk | May 19, 2009
‘The Expendables’ Banner and Teaser Poster… Semper Fi(ght)!
Lionsgate has released two pieces of art for the Sylvester Stallone-directed, everyone who is badass-acted actioner ‘The Expendables.’...
Kirk | April 29, 2009
‘The Expendables’ Gets an Explosive Behind-the-Scenes Clip
That shot better be at the tippy top of the poster for this movie. That’s all I’m...
Kirk | April 13, 2009
New, Official Pics from ‘The Expendables’
That right there is a hero shot if ever I saw one. Today, Ethelmae’s Blog, which, from...
Travis Keune | April 9, 2009
Even Brittany Murphy is ‘Expendable’
Stallone’s newest cinematic adventure just keeps getting more interesting. And, it seems he’s much more attractive to his...
Kirk | April 7, 2009
First Look: ‘The Expendables’ Set Pics
Shooting on ‘The Expendables’ is well underway, and Spoiler TV brings us the first set pics today. ...
Travis Keune | March 23, 2009
The Expendables: Whitaker out, 50 Cent out, Crews in?
UPDATE: Harry Knowles over at AICN just reported another casting change in the role of Hale CAESAR, which...
Travis Keune | February 19, 2009
Danny Trejo takes on ‘The Expendables’
Holy Cow! Stallone’s newest action-fest is proving to be one heckuva cool project. Having already scored Jet Li,...
Kirk | February 17, 2009
Schwarzenegger will be in ‘The Expendables’!
Stallone and Schwarzenegger will finally be on the big screen together. Â Ain’t it Cool News just received...
Kirk | January 6, 2009
Mickey Rourke is One of ‘The Expendables’
Mickey Rourke is getting parts left and right now, and I couldn’t be happier. Â The star, and...