All posts tagged "Straw Dogs"
Travis Keune | September 15, 2011
STRAW DOGS (2011) – The Review
Written and directed by Rod Lurie (THE CONTENDER, THE LAST CASTLE), STRAW DOGS (2011) is actually a reasonably...
Michelle McCue | August 22, 2011
New Spot For Rod Lurie’s STRAW DOGS Hits
On September 16th, things will become gravely serious for Kate Bosworth and James Marsden as seen in this new...
Michelle McCue | August 13, 2011
New TV Spot & Photos From Rod Lurie’s STRAW DOGS
Check out the new images and tv spot for director Rod Lurie’s upcoming thriller STRAW DOGS. Click HERE...
Michelle McCue | May 13, 2011
STRAW DOGS Trailer Features James Marsden, Kate Bosworth & Alexander Skarsgard
James Marsden and Kate Bosworth unleash some rage on Alexander Skarsgård in this first trailer for Rod Lurie’s STRAW DOGS. How’s that...
Michelle McCue | May 11, 2011
New Stills Of Rod Lurie’s STRAW DOGS
From director Rod Lurie (RESURRECTING THE CHAMP, THE LAST CASTLE, THE CONTENDER), here’s a first look at two new stills...
Travis Keune | July 16, 2009
Skaarsgard & Bosworth join ‘Straw Dogs’ Remake
Remember ‘Straw Dogs’…? Really, you haven’t seen the classic 1971 film from director Sam Peckinpah? I’m hurt! I...