All posts tagged "short"
Travis Keune | December 29, 2011
FAMILIAR – Short Film Review
FAMILIAR (2011) is the newest short film from Fatal Pictures, produced by Zach Green, written and directed by...
Travis Keune | August 10, 2011
GET OFF MY PORCH – Short Film Review
Everyone has been solicited to purchase girl scout cookies at some point, usually around the same time every...
Travis Keune | August 1, 2011
FAMILIAR Poster – A New Short Film from Fatal Pictures
FAMILIAR is the newest horror short film from writer/director Richard Powell and producer Zach Green. Michael Jari Davidson...
Travis Keune | April 28, 2011
DAMN YOUR EYES – Short Film Review
For most of the general viewing audience, the phrase “Spaghetti Western” conjures on of two reactions: one of...
Travis Keune | February 15, 2011
WORM – Short Film Review
WORM is a very dark little drama that starts out innocently enough. Geoffrey Oswald Dodd is an average...
Travis Keune | December 23, 2010
Fatal Pictures Presents WORM-A
WORM-A is a new short film from Fatal Pictures. Producer/Editor Zach Green and Writer/Director Richard Powell, based just...
Travis Keune | August 24, 2010
CHANGE FOR A DOLLAR – Short Film Review
CHANGE FOR A DOLLAR is a 10-minute short film from writer, director and producer Sharon Wright, which played...
Travis Keune | March 22, 2010
OUT OF NOWHERE is a strange and mysterious film that combines the bizarre mentality of David Lynch with...
Travis Keune | March 13, 2010
When do children really take that first step towards understanding human sexuality? Love and sexuality must be a...
Andy Triefenbach | September 9, 2009
I Heart Horror: ‘Curious Stories, Crooked Symbols’
Hey Fiends! It has been awhile since I have written up this column. For that, I...
Scott | May 22, 2008
WAMG First Look: Mike Pecci’s COLD HARD CASH
This movie is going to be awesome for a couple of reasons, A) it gives us some sick...