All posts tagged "Joseph Gordon-Levitt"
Scott | July 13, 2009
UK Poster for ‘(500) Days of Summer’
Empire snagged an exclusive look at the UK poster for ‘500 Days of Summer’ and I have to...
Kirk | July 7, 2009
That is Not, I Repeat, NOT, Cobra Commander In the New ‘G.I. Joe’ International Trailer
One of the main controversies coming out of ‘G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra,’ other than whether or not...
Scott | July 6, 2009
Who wants to see ‘500 Days of Summer’ with The Movie Geeks?
‘500 Days of Summer’ is one of the best indie comedies of the year, I cant call it...
Kirk | June 17, 2009
CineVegas Review: ‘(500) Days of Summer’
How do you remember a past love? Chances are, it’s not in a linear fashion. The whole “boy...
Travis Keune | June 6, 2009
CineVegas 2009 Preview: ‘500 Days of Summer’
CineVegas 2009 is right around the corner (next week to be precise), and We Are Movie Geeks are...
Kirk | May 28, 2009
‘GI Joe’s Poster Goes International
Who is that masked Cobra in the top right? Is it Cobra Commander? Is it an early version...
Kirk | May 5, 2009
Two More On Board for Nolan’s ‘Inception’
Ken Watanabe and Tom Hardy have signed on appear in Christopher Nolan’s next film, ‘Inception.’Â They join...
Kirk | April 30, 2009
‘GI Joe’ Trailer Does Wonders for French Relations
Not exactly sure what to make of this. On one hand, it’s typical, Stephen Sommers’ CG explosions,...
Travis Keune | April 30, 2009
Gordon-Levitt, joins Rainn & Portman in ‘Hesher’
Spencer Susser will make his feature-film debut as a director with ‘Hesher’. The film is already looking up...
Travis Keune | April 23, 2009
Joseph Gordon Levitt joins Nolan’s ‘Inception’
Yet another A-list name has been attached to appear in Christopher Nolan’s next film, a smaller-scale sci-fi thriller...
Kirk | March 5, 2009
Help Choose the Official ‘(500) Days of Summer’ Poster
I love when studios do stuf like this with their film’s poster or trailer. I remember back...
Kirk | February 12, 2009
Cobra Commander’s New Look Revealed
Ever since ‘G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra’ was announced, one question on the minds of every fan...
Scott | January 19, 2009
Sundance Review: ‘500 Days of Summer’
I watched ‘Paper Heart’ and ‘500 Days of Summer’ back to back so by the time I was...
Movie Geeks | September 26, 2008
Review: ‘Miracle at St. Anna’
Scott: This Spike Lee joint is filled with emotions that we haven’t seen from a war movie lately,...