All posts tagged "james franco"
Kirk | January 6, 2010
James Franco Spends 127 HOURS With Danny Boyle
Take a good, long look at that man you see in the picture above. He has just signed...
Travis Keune | July 10, 2009
Deschanel joins Franco and McBride in ‘Your Highness’
One of the few exceptions to my rule of story first in film, is when we’re talking about...
Travis Keune | April 14, 2009
Wahlberg and Franco join ‘Date Night’
20th Century Fox’s newest comedy in the works is ‘Date Night’ which will star Steve Carrell and Tine...
Kirk | February 20, 2009
Franco Vehicle ‘Howl’ Gets Financing
‘Howl’, the Allen Ginsberg biopic, is getting pushed into production. James Franco has already signed on to...
Movie Geeks | December 5, 2008
Review: ‘Milk’
Melissa: My name is Melissa and I would like to recruit you to watch this movie! Whether you...
Zac | August 13, 2008
Franco’s fake Frankfurt?
Follow the link to a funny story involving a naked James Franco, Sean Penn, and prosthetics. Go here!
Movie Geeks | August 7, 2008
Review: ‘Pineapple Express’
Ram Man: We already had Harold and Kumar sightseeing around Cuba this year so I thought to myself...
Charles | April 9, 2008
Pineapple Express Poster
After searching around vigorously for any new info regarding the upcoming stoner comedy “Pineapple Express”, I ran into...
Brett | February 6, 2008
‘The Pineapple Express’ Is Going To Rock You
You may have seen this clip by now, as it’s on the SuperBad DVD Special Features. But for...