All posts tagged "Indie"
Travis Keune | March 26, 2012
Review originally published on September 27th, 2011 as part of our Fantastic Fest coverage. My favorite science-fiction stories...
Travis Keune | March 21, 2012
LAMBENT FUSE (2011) – The Review
LAMBENT FUSE is an independent drama made entirely in Minnesota by college students, pre-professionals and new professionals in...
Travis Keune | March 4, 2012
Interview with Fatal Pictures’ FAMILIAR Producer Zach Green and Director Richard Powell
I’ve now had the pleasure of screening two of Fatal Pictures’ short films, WORM and FAMILIAR. As part...
Travis Keune | November 12, 2011
PIG – SLIFF Review
“Pig” can be defined in many ways. A common farm animal, a person inclined to eat too much,...
Travis Keune | November 12, 2011
Blake Eckard is what you’d call a “micro-budget” filmmaker. This means precisely how it sounds. Movies made on...
Jerry Cavallaro | October 17, 2011
NYCC 2011: BOY WONDER Interview
BOY WONDER is a psychological thriller about a boy obsessed with finding his mom’s killer. This weekend some...
Jerry Cavallaro | October 17, 2011
NYCC 2011: Saturday Recap
My second day at NYCC started off with a 25-minute wait on a line that wrapped almost entirely...
Travis Keune | September 13, 2011
KNUCKLEBALL – Short Film Review
The knuckleball is a rare and complicated skill in baseball. Often associated with being the specialty pitch mastered...
Travis Keune | August 24, 2011
MADELEINE ZABEL – Short Film Review
MADELEINE ZABEL is the story of an infamous, Lindsay Lohan-type young celebrity named Maddy Z, and a stressed...
Jerry Cavallaro | August 17, 2011
Watch STUCK LIKE CHUCK for FREE Right Now!
4 years ago, I attended a screening of SUPERBAD the day it came out. Immediately after that screening,...
Travis Keune | August 16, 2011
SLFS 2011 Review: Shorts Program 8, Horror Shorts
Shorts Program 8: Horror Shorts includes 8 individual short films of various styles, for a total running time...
Travis Keune | August 15, 2011
SLFS 2011 Review: Shorts Program 6, Comedy Shorts
Shorts Program 6: Comedy Shorts includes 11 individual short films of various comical style, for a total running...
Travis Keune | August 13, 2011
SLFS 2011 Review: JOINT BODY
JOINT BODY is the newest film from indie writer and director Brian Jun, whose 2006 film STEEL CITY...
Travis Keune | August 13, 2011
SLFS 2011 Review: GIVE A DAMN?
As the wealthiest nation in the world, it’s difficult to define exactly what our role as individuals to...
Travis Keune | August 12, 2011
The fourth and final trailer for Corner Film Production’s second feature length film ‘Casualties of the State.’ A...
Jim Batts | August 11, 2011
Art house cinemas seem to get a flood of low-budget indie dramas about drifting twenty-somethings every year. Well,...
Travis Keune | August 10, 2011
GET OFF MY PORCH – Short Film Review
Everyone has been solicited to purchase girl scout cookies at some point, usually around the same time every...
Movie Geeks | August 8, 2011
Mike Pecci’s Grindhouse Shorts DVD Available for Pre-Order
Director & photographer Mike Pecci is self releasing all of his violent short films on one loaded DVD....