All posts tagged "Hit Girl"
Movie Geeks | April 8, 2010
Prize-pack Giveaway: How KICK-ASS Are You?
We know you can’t fly. We know you can’t read minds. And we’re pretty sure you can’t walk...
Scott | January 9, 2010
KICK-ASS gets a theatrical trailer… that kicks ass!
Finally, a KICK-ASS trailer that is both awesome and doesn’t suck without being red-band. In the trailer you...
Tim Buel | December 21, 2009
KICK-ASS Hit Girl RED BAND Clip/Trailer Thing!
The more I see of KICK-ASS (coming this April from Matthew Vaugh), the better this flick looks! The...
Scott | July 1, 2009
New photo from ‘Kick Ass’ and footage to be shown at Comic Con
My main homie Pete over at SlashFilm was given the exclusive for this new photo from ‘Kick-Ass’ which...