All posts tagged "harrison ford"
Michelle McCue | March 25, 2012
ENDER’S GAME Official Blog Goes Live
Touted as the “an on-set blog from the producers of the film,” the official blog for ENDER’S GAME...
Travis Keune | July 26, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday: Crossover Westerns
In many ways, the western is a dead genre, but I like to think of it as the...
Michelle McCue | July 20, 2011
3rd Trailer For COWBOYS & ALIENS
In anticipation of the world premiere of COWBOYS & ALIENS this Saturday at Comic Con in San Diego, check...
Melissa Howland | July 14, 2011
Win Passes To See COWBOYS & ALIENS
In life, there are things that just naturally go together: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Ice Cream and Cake,...
Michelle McCue | July 7, 2011
The COWBOYS & ALIENS Interviews With Jon Favreau, Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, Brian Grazer And Harrison Ford
Check out these videos as director Jon Favreau interviews this generation’s film giants – Steven Spielberg, Brian Grazer, Ron...
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2011
Watch Jon Favreau, Steven Spielberg & Ron Howard In COWBOYS AND ALIENS “Making Of” Featurette
Check out the new COWBOYS AND ALIENS featurette where filmmakers Jon Favreau, Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg describe the...
Michelle McCue | June 15, 2011
COWBOYS & ALIENS To Have World Premiere At COMIC-CON 2011 & Watch The New Trailer
If you were watching Spike TV’s “Guys Choice Awards” this past Friday evening (hand raised), you may have seen...
Travis Keune | March 20, 2011
Blu Monday: March 22, 2011
Your Weekly Source for the Newest Releases to Blu-Ray Blu-Ray for Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 ADVENTURES OF A...
Travis Keune | March 6, 2011
Blu Monday: March 8, 2011
Your Weekly Source for the Newest Releases to Blu-Ray Not a huge week for new Blu-Ray releases, but...
Michelle McCue | February 6, 2011
COWBOYS AND ALIENS Super Bowl Commercial
From the director of IRON MAN, Jon Favreau ( @Jon_Favreau): “Here’s a twitter world premiere of the #CowboysandAliens...
Michelle McCue | December 20, 2010
Harrison Ford Reps Deny He Wants Indiana Jones Killed
Being that it’s a slow Christmas week, The Huffington Post reported that, according to Showbizspy, Harrison Ford wanted...
Michelle McCue | November 17, 2010
Harrison Ford & Daniel Craig Whoop It Up In The New COWBOYS & ALIENS Trailer…Plus New Photos Of Olivia Wilde
Time to saddle up. Yahoo! Movies has debuted the new trailer for Universal Pictures’ COWBOYS AND ALIENS. Watch...
Michelle McCue | November 16, 2010
From Yahoo! Movies comes the first teaser poster for Jon Favreau’s COWBOYS AND ALIENS. Is it just me...
Jim Batts | November 10, 2010
New York City has been used almost like a veteran character actor playing a wide variety of roles in...
Melissa Howland | November 5, 2010
It’s time for another WAMG contest, and this time we are giving away passes for a special screening...
Kirk | April 19, 2010
STAR WARS Blu On Its Way
Oh, to be a fan of the STAR WARS franchise this week, especially if you are lucky enough...
Kirk | April 8, 2010
Harrison Ford Joining COWBOYS to Take on ALIENS
Please stop asking if Harrison Ford is in Cowboys & Aliens. Okay? He is. Please don’t tell anybody....
Kirk | September 14, 2009
Harrison Ford Talks ‘Indy 5’
The story for the new Indiana Jones is in the process of taking form. That was how Harrison...