All posts tagged "Fight Club"
Tom Stockman | July 1, 2019
The Tivoli Announces the ‘Reel Late’ Midnight Line-Up: HEDWIG, SCOTT PILGRIM, Riff Randell, and Jackie Chan!
” Things sure have changed since we got kicked out of high school. “ Another brilliant lineup of...
Tom Stockman | September 10, 2013
Join the FIGHT CLUB Midnights This Weekend at The Tivoli
“I got in everyone’s hostile little face. Yes, these are bruises from fighting. Yes, I’m comfortable with that....
Movie Geeks | June 18, 2013
Top 10 Tuesday: Brad Pitt Films
By Melissa Thompson and Michelle McCue First man ever to be named “Sexiest Man Alive” twice by People...
Travis Keune | August 21, 2009
Character Cage Match: Lt. Aldo Raine vs. Tyler Durden (Tarantino Week Edition)
Welcome to the fifth and final WAMG Character Cage Match, in honor of Quentin Tarantino’s newest film INGLOURIOUS...
Scott | December 2, 2008
Tyler Durden is best movie character in film…
Empire is making lists like your mom makes your breakfast in the morning, and this time they did...