All posts tagged "Day the Earth Stood Still"
Travis Keune | December 6, 2009
Focused Favorites: Films Based on Sci-Fi Shorts
FOCUSED FAVORITES is an ongoing taste of my personal favorites, narrowed down with a fine-tooth comb, into very...
Scott | December 2, 2008
Who wants to see ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ on IMAX with the Movie Geeks?
We are giving all of our faithful readers the chance to see ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’...
Travis Keune | July 10, 2008
More bad news on ‘Day the Earth Stood Still’ ?
I’ve already basically written off the remake of ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ as a failure (I’ll...
Michelle McCue | June 25, 2008
‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ teaser poster
Have a gander at the teaser banner/poster for 20th Century Fox’s The Day the Earth Stood Still. ...