All posts tagged "daft punk"
Movie Geeks | October 2, 2011
Blu Monday: Tarantino Paradiso & The Animation Factory
Your Weekly Source for the Newest Releases to Blu-Ray
Michelle McCue | November 21, 2010
3 “Behind The Scenes” Videos Of TRON LEGACY
Have a look at these new “Behind the Scenes” clips from Walt Disney Studios’ TRON: LEGACY. All three...
Tim Buel | February 2, 2010
First Look At The Dude from TRON: LEGACY!
I am extremely excited to see TRON: LEGACY. With the footage from Comic-Con and the score from Daft...
Kirk | March 4, 2009
Daft Punk, Meet ‘Tron 2’… ‘Tron 2’, Meet Daft Punk… You Two Are Gonna Get Along Just Fine!
Upcoming Film Scores is announcing that none other than Daft Punk is pulling score duties on ‘Tron 2’...