All posts tagged "American Cinematheque"
Michelle McCue | May 1, 2011
American Cinematheque Presents SUMMER CHILDREN Premiere Of Lost Vilmos Zsigmond 1964 Film
SUMMER CHILDREN Screening at Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre for “AMERICAN CINEMATHEQUE” Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 7:30 pm. The...
Melissa Thompson | March 25, 2011
WAMG Boldly Goes To The STAR TREK Films At American Cinematheque
Photo: LA Times We Are Movie Geeks were on hand last night as American Cinematheque kicked of their STAR TREK…TO BOLDLY...
Melissa Thompson | March 23, 2011
TO BOLDLY GO… Celebrating STAR TREK Films At American Cinematheque March 24-27
To celebrate the STAR TREK film series, American Cinematheque has chosen six of the eight films in the franchise, plumbing deep for...