Washed Up
Mike | February 18, 2008Lindsey Lohan..nude, yes its true.
Yes, Lindsey Lohan did a movie where she was a stripper and still didnt get nude, but she...
Zac | February 18, 2008Review: ‘Elizabeth: The Golden Age’
Zac: The follow up to the Oscar nominated film, Elizabeth, allows Cate Blanchett to get back into the...
Film Noir
Scott | February 18, 2008In case you missed it … ‘Brick’
Brick was originally written in 1996 after Rian Johnson graduated film school at USC, and began production 6...
Travis Keune | February 18, 2008Review: ‘The Amateurs’
Travis: First-time writer/director Michael Traeger has made one heck of...
Scott | February 18, 2008New pictures of Hulk..
The movie blog scored some pictures from the set for ‘Hulk’. This is the scaled version of the...
Scott | February 18, 2008Smurfs movie..cgi action.
I actually think this movie will be pretty bad ass, as a kid growing up watching it. Obviously...
Coming to Theaters
Scott | February 18, 2008Charlie Bartlett opens Friday.
I first saw this preview a few months ago and I got really excited about it, but never...
Geeks on Movies
Scott | February 18, 2008When will we quit ‘Stepping Up’ to ‘Feel the Noize’?
Ok, First let me say how fucking tired I am of seeing these stupid dance movies. All which...
Out of Work Actors
Scott | February 18, 2008Greatest out of work actor of the day: Burt Reynolds
Ahh Burt Reynolds, where are you? Where is your 80’s mustache? That naked cosmo guy photo? Why are...
Who is that guy?
Scott | February 18, 2008Who is that guy? Oh, its Oliver Platt!
Ahh …Â Oliver Platt, how I love your roles, you are always the sly, smooth talking easy going...
Nick | February 17, 2008Review: ‘The Signal’
The Signal Cast & Crew Mya Denton: Anessa Ramsey Lewis Denton: AJ Bowen Ben: Justin Welborn Clark: Scott...
Travis Keune | February 17, 2008Review: ‘Jumper’
Travis: Jumper (2008) was directed by Doug Liman, a relatively fresh film-maker of such very entertaining films as...
DVD Review
Nick | February 16, 2008Review: ‘Hatchet’ on DVD
Hatchet Cast & Credits Ben: Joel Moore Marybeth: Tamara Feldman Marcus: Deon Richmond Victor Crowley: Kane Hodder Written...
Travis Keune | February 15, 2008Review: ‘Persepolis’
Travis: Persepolis (2007) is an animated film from France, based on a graphic novel from Iranian writer Marjane...
Mark | February 15, 2008Top 10 Slacker Movies
These movies are the great films that shaped our slackers of today and will shape the slackers of...
Travis Keune | February 15, 2008Peter Gabriel provides ‘WALL-E’ soundtrack
Peter Gabriel has announced he has been working on the soundtrack for WALL-E, Pixar’s newest CGI animated feature....
Travis Keune | February 15, 2008Kon Ichikawa dies, 1915-2008
Many of you may be asking “who?” Well, i enjoy movie and film-makers of all types and all...
In the Works
Scott | February 15, 2008Johnny Depp, Colin Ferrell, and Jude Law to replace Ledger..
Wow, this is insane. They went from talking about finishing Leger’s parts with CGI, then talking about Johnny...