Today's Past
Travis Keune | May 13, 2008Today’s Past in the Movies … May 13
May 13 †¦ What occurred in movie-land today in years past? Events on this day: 1970 –...
Featured Articles
Scott | May 12, 2008WAMG Interview: Jason Mewes
So we got the chance to talk to the legendary Jason Mewes tonight, and it was insane. While...
Scott | May 12, 2008New ‘Zach and Miri’ set picture from Jason Mewes
as you can see from the picture you have Rogen, Banks, and Craig Robinson..great score, thanks Mewes
Scott | May 12, 2008Thor in ‘Adventures in Babysitting’
How many of you remember Vincent D’Onofrio from ‘Adventures in Babysitting’ playing ‘Thor’? Well here someone put it...
Scott | May 12, 2008New Jason Mewes short film..
Gary at Mydamnchannel.com sent me a link to a new Jason Mewes short film titled ‘Cookies‘ “When an...
Scott | May 12, 2008In case you missed it … ‘One, Two, Many’
You can go through at most big chain video stores and see about 15 different ‘National Lampoon Presents’...
Today's Past
Travis Keune | May 12, 2008Today’s Past in the Movies … May 12
May 12 †¦ What occurred in movie-land today in years past? Events on this day: 1932 –...
Geek Crush
Scott | May 12, 2008Geek Crush: Stifler’s Mom
Everyone has been in the scenario … you are hanging out at a friend’s house and his/her mom...
Chick Flicks
Scott | May 12, 2008Scott’s Favorites: Garden State Soundtrack
This is my second post from this series, the first being about Captain Spaulding. Zach Braff proved his...
Featured Articles
Scott | May 12, 2008wearemoviegeeks.com has a new design..
Since our blog’s inception 6 months ago, i have give you guys 3 different designs(this being the third)....
Scott | May 12, 2008‘X-Files 2’ trailer..
Thanks to IGN, we now have the “Official” ‘X-Files 2’ trailer.. Are you guys excited about this movie...
Scott | May 12, 2008‘Zack and Miri make a Porno’ new picture
Mr K Smith has released a new picture from ‘Zack and Miri make a Porno’. Of course it...
Scott | May 12, 2008‘Death Race’ now part of the summer releases
Universal has bumped up the release date for the remake of ‘Death Race’ starring Jason Statham and Tyrese...
Scott | May 12, 2008First reviews of ‘War, Inc.’
Movies online has one of the first reviews of ‘War, Inc.’ up.. “While War Inc. is far from...
Scott | May 12, 2008Captain American shield in ‘Iron Man’
Comicbookmovie.com posted up a picture of Captain America’s shield in ‘Iron Man’. I completely missed this, and I...
Scott | May 12, 2008New Dark Knight TV Spot..
Here you go boys and girls..the new dark knight TV spot. Enjoy!
Featured Articles
Travis Keune | May 11, 2008Review: ‘Redbelt’
Travis: If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to rant for just a moment. David Mamet, perhaps one of...
Poster of the Week
Travis Keune | May 11, 2008Poster of the Week … ‘The Bride of Frankenstein’
Not my favorite version of this poster, but still has great coloring. Its pretty straight forward, but I...