Coming to Theaters
Ram Man | June 30, 2008‘Dark Knight’ Vehicles coming to St. Louis for the 4th!
stopping in St. Louis. Come out and get an up close look at the Batmobile and the Batpod!...
Box Office
Ram Man | June 30, 2008Box Office Totals for June 27-29
WALL-E takes out a “hit” on Angelina Jolie and her group of assassins by grabbing the #1 spot...
Charles | June 30, 2008Review: ‘Chapter 27’ on DVD
There is nothing too exciting about this film other than the great performance by Leto and a look...
Ram Man | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Jellyfish’
Jellyfish or Meduzot (Israel title) is the first film from writer/director Shira Geffen. Jellyfish tells the story of...
Direct to DVD
Ram Man | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Get Smart’s Bruce & Lloyd Out of Control’ on DVD
Warner Brothers is attempting to maximize the early success of their blockbuster “Get Smart” releasing a DVD follow-up...
Geeks on Movies
Travis Keune | June 29, 2008What If … ? A concept that eludes Hollywood …
I was thinking the other day about how Hollywood could really take advantage of the current comic book...
Travis Keune | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Encounters at the End of the World’
I can’t help it!...
Chick Flicks
Shanna | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Over Her Dead Body’ on DVD
When I rented Over Her Dead Body I was reluctant to watch it. I let it sit by...
Poster of the Week
Travis Keune | June 29, 2008Poster of the Week … ‘X’ (1963)
. Another classic film from producer-director Roger Corman, and perhaps one of his more enjoyable films. Ray Milland...
Charles | June 28, 2008Riddler to be Villain in Next Batman Movie?
Gary Oldman let everybody know that the Villain in the next movie will be Riddler! This from MovieWeb.com...
Charles | June 28, 2008Screencap of Captain America’s Cameo in ‘Incredible Hulk’
Found this interesting pic on ComicBookMovie.com We can’t really see Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America but now you...
Brett | June 28, 2008Review: “Ballast” LAFF 08
A majority of films set in the south of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama tend to extol the culture...
Travis Keune | June 28, 2008Classic Revival … ‘The Night of the Hunter’ (1955)
If you were to define “creepy” … how would you do it? Its likely that, depending on who’s...
Brett | June 28, 2008Review: “X-Cross” LAFF 08
If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times; a young pair of Japanese girls head...
Travis Keune | June 28, 2008A Movie Geek Challenge …
Alright! I am once and for all putting an end to this bloody and brutal movie geek feud....
Travis Keune | June 27, 2008In case you missed it … ‘The Puffy Chair’
Roadside Attractions and Netflix are doing a tremendous job of bringing the very small indie films with disproportionately...
Michelle McCue | June 27, 2008‘Saw V’ Teaser Poster
IMDB claims bragging rights to Lionsgate’s first one-sheet for Saw V. In the fifth installment of the...
Travis Keune | June 27, 2008New ‘Eagle Eye’ trailer …
This is the “new” trailer that screened before the ‘Wanted’ sneak peek … still looks good.