Box Office
Ram Man | June 30, 2008Box Office Totals for June 27-29
WALL-E takes out a “hit” on Angelina Jolie and her group of assassins by grabbing the #1 spot...
Charles | June 30, 2008Review: ‘Chapter 27’ on DVD
There is nothing too exciting about this film other than the great performance by Leto and a look...
Ram Man | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Jellyfish’
Jellyfish or Meduzot (Israel title) is the first film from writer/director Shira Geffen. Jellyfish tells the story of...
Direct to DVD
Ram Man | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Get Smart’s Bruce & Lloyd Out of Control’ on DVD
Warner Brothers is attempting to maximize the early success of their blockbuster “Get Smart” releasing a DVD follow-up...
Geeks on Movies
Travis Keune | June 29, 2008What If … ? A concept that eludes Hollywood …
I was thinking the other day about how Hollywood could really take advantage of the current comic book...
Travis Keune | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Encounters at the End of the World’
I can’t help it!...
Chick Flicks
Shanna | June 29, 2008Review: ‘Over Her Dead Body’ on DVD
When I rented Over Her Dead Body I was reluctant to watch it. I let it sit by...
Poster of the Week
Travis Keune | June 29, 2008Poster of the Week … ‘X’ (1963)
. Another classic film from producer-director Roger Corman, and perhaps one of his more enjoyable films. Ray Milland...
Charles | June 28, 2008Riddler to be Villain in Next Batman Movie?
Gary Oldman let everybody know that the Villain in the next movie will be Riddler! This from MovieWeb.com...
Charles | June 28, 2008Screencap of Captain America’s Cameo in ‘Incredible Hulk’
Found this interesting pic on ComicBookMovie.com We can’t really see Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America but now you...
Brett | June 28, 2008Review: “Ballast” LAFF 08
A majority of films set in the south of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama tend to extol the culture...
Travis Keune | June 28, 2008Classic Revival … ‘The Night of the Hunter’ (1955)
If you were to define “creepy” … how would you do it? Its likely that, depending on who’s...
Brett | June 28, 2008Review: “X-Cross” LAFF 08
If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times; a young pair of Japanese girls head...
Travis Keune | June 28, 2008A Movie Geek Challenge …
Alright! I am once and for all putting an end to this bloody and brutal movie geek feud....
Travis Keune | June 27, 2008In case you missed it … ‘The Puffy Chair’
Roadside Attractions and Netflix are doing a tremendous job of bringing the very small indie films with disproportionately...
Michelle McCue | June 27, 2008‘Saw V’ Teaser Poster
IMDB claims bragging rights to Lionsgate’s first one-sheet for Saw V. In the fifth installment of the...
Travis Keune | June 27, 2008New ‘Eagle Eye’ trailer …
This is the “new” trailer that screened before the ‘Wanted’ sneak peek … still looks good.
Michelle McCue | June 27, 2008Ledger’s Posthumous Oscar Win for ‘Dark Knight’
Today’s big Oscar news… Is Heath Ledger assured of an Oscar nomination and posthumous win for The Dark...