Nick K | May 19, 2009‘Reaper’ Season 3 Request!, plus ‘To Sprong, with Love’
Well with tonight’s episode of Reaper being the second to last episode of the season, things are heating...
Kirk | May 19, 2009‘The Expendables’ Banner and Teaser Poster… Semper Fi(ght)!
Lionsgate has released two pieces of art for the Sylvester Stallone-directed, everyone who is badass-acted actioner ‘The Expendables.’...
Scott | May 19, 2009‘Mystery Team’ will see a nationwide release!
One of my favorite films at Sundance has finally gotten a buyer for US distribution. ‘Mystery Team’ has...
Kirk | May 19, 2009‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’… All That Fits On One Poster
And there’s even room for the release date on there, as well as some highly airbrushed pics of...
Kirk | May 19, 2009Tom Hiddleston Cast as Thor’s Enemy, Loki
Before we had a chance to run a Fantasy Cast for this, Marvel has gone right ahead and...
Scott | May 19, 2009Who wants to win some ‘Terminator Salvation’ Swag?
We are giving you the chance to win some ‘Terminator Salvation’ swag because we love all of our...
Kirk | May 19, 20093D ‘House of Usher’ On Its Way
Green Knight Ventures, the indie company behind the upcoming Colin Firth thriller, ‘The Meat Trade,’ is producing a...
DVD Review
Scott | May 19, 2009DVD Review: ‘Trueblood’ Season 1
You may know Anna Paquin from ‘X-Men’ and ’25th Hour’ but you probably dont know her as a...
Featured Articles
Movie Geeks | May 19, 2009Top Ten Tuesday: Evil Machines
Since ‘Terminator: Salvation’ is coming out Friday we decided to do a Top Ten Evil Machines list. We...
Scott | May 18, 2009Poster for ‘Pontypool’ is live…
Shock Till You Drop got a first look at the poster for ‘Pontypool’, but I dont think this...
Kirk | May 18, 2009Tilda Swinton Wants to ‘Talk About Kevin’
Tilda Swinton has signed on to star in ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin.’ The film, based...
Scott | May 18, 2009DVD Giveaway: Steven Seagal’s ‘Driven to Kill’
Since its Monday and we all know how much Monday’s suck, we thought there is nothing better than...
Kirk | May 18, 2009Milla Jovovich Joins ‘Stone’
Milla Jovovich is reported to have signed on to star alongside Edward Norton and Robert De Niro in...
Kirk | May 18, 2009New ‘A Christmas Carol’ Pic
Chances are we’ll see our first trailer for Robert Zemeckis’ next, motion capture film, ‘A Christmas Carol’ at...
Jerry Cavallaro | May 18, 2009Tribeca Review: ‘The House of the Devil’
From everyone I have talked to and from most of the reviews I have read elsewhere for this...
In Case You Missed It
Scott | May 18, 2009In Case You Missed it Monday: ‘Airborne’
Back in 1993, when I was a youngster and really into roller hockey I was cruising around the...
Kirk | May 18, 2009Bruce MacDonald Planning ‘Pontypool 2’
Bruce MacDonald’s ‘Pontypool’ was one of the better films I saw down at SXSW this year. You...
Kirk | May 18, 2009Fantasy Cast… Who should play ‘The Lone Ranger’?
I can already hear William Tell’s Overture. The likelihood that we are going to have a big-screen...