General News
Travis Keune | August 12, 2009AMC sees ‘The Walking Dead’ in Darabont’s Future
In recent years, I’ve been anything but supportive of cable TV network AMC (American Movie Classics). See, they...
General News
Scott | August 11, 2009‘Kick-Ass’ trailer… bootleg version
A bootleg trailer for ‘Kick-Ass’ has hit the web and you can watch it below thanks to Trailer...
Kirk | August 11, 200916 Seconds in the Closet with ‘New Moon’
We know all you fan girls out there are taking note and savoring every little morsel of Bella,...
Kirk | August 11, 2009Three Studios Vying to ‘Kick-Ass’
It’s a three-way dance to see which studio is the most ‘Kick-Ass.’ According to Risky Biz Blog,...
Featured Articles
Movie Geeks | August 11, 2009Top Ten Tuesday: Best Films From First-Time Directors
A lot of times, a filmmaker’s first feature film is a passion project, something they’ve been working on...
Concept Art
Travis Keune | August 11, 2009Concept Art Revealed for ‘I, Frankenstein’
I, FRANKENSTEIN is a feature film adaptation of Kevin Grevioux’s Darkstorm Comics series which tells a modernized tale...
Travis Keune | August 11, 2009Kubrick Family wants Director’s Final Film Realized
Although he lived a relatively long and full life, it often feels as though Stanley Kubrick was taken...
Travis Keune | August 10, 2009Funny or Die: The Ballad of G.I. Joe
Check out this hilarious music video co-produced by Funny or Die and Cha-Ching Pictures featuring G.I. Joe and...
General News
Scott | August 10, 2009Behind the scenes of ‘World’s Greatest Dad’
Bobcat Goldthwait created a magnificent, although completely twisted it is a film that needs to be seen.You can...
Top Lists
Adam Keune | August 10, 2009Chicago Guy: All-Time Top Five
We Are Movie Geeks would like to welcome the newest member of our little family and allow him...
Fantastic Fest 2009
Scott | August 10, 2009Fantastic Fest 2009 2nd wave of films announced
As if the first wave of films wasn’t good enough the badasses over at Fantastic Fest have announced...
Kirk | August 10, 2009‘Mystery Team’ Release Dates Announced
You’ve seen the trailer. You’ve observed the poster. You’ve read our main man Scott’s review. ...
General News
Kirk | August 10, 2009Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler are ‘Law Abiding Citizen’s
F. Gary Gray, the director of the upcoming thriller, ‘Law Abiding Citizen,’ has released these two poster on...
Featured Articles
Scott | August 10, 2009Exclusive: Is Megan Fox going naked for ‘Jonah Hex’?
This morning we posted the ‘Jennifer’s Body’ review sent in to us from a reader so we now...
General News
Kirk | August 10, 2009In Case You Missed It: ‘The American Astronaut’
Say what you will about Cory McAbee. The guy’s got the market cornered on sci-fi/western/musical/comedies with a heart....
Featured Articles
Scott | August 10, 2009‘Jennifer’s Body’ reader submitted review
Readers send us emails on a daily basis, we get everything from “please link my website” to “hey...
Kirk | August 10, 2009Giamatti’s a Stooge! Carrey’s Not!
That’s the word from The Boston Globe, anyway. They have reported that Paul Giamatti has signed on to...
General News
Travis Keune | August 9, 2009‘Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ Trailer Debuts!
Holy cow! This is going to be an amazing ride. I am still fully under Terry Gilliam’s spell...