Kirk | September 2, 2009Guy Ritchie Taking on ‘Lobo’
No, not Lobo Marunga, and, yes, Steve Guttenberg, for all intents and purposes, is still retired. And, if...
Kirk | September 2, 2009How About a ‘Boondock Saints II: All Saint’s Day’ Red-Band Trailer?
Yeah, I know there are those out there who feel ‘The Boondock Saints’ is “‘Pulp Fiction’ Lite” and...
Jerry Cavallaro | September 2, 2009‘Good Dick’ DVD & Signed Poster Contest
‘Good Dick’ was one of my favorite films of last year. It is a great indie comedy starring...
Jerry Cavallaro | September 2, 2009WAMG Interview: Dan Fogler
One of the best things about writing for this site is getting to meet some really awesome people....
Kirk | September 2, 2009Cory McAbee’s ‘Stingray Sam’ Coming to Screens of All Sizes
‘Stingray Sam’ was one of the biggest surprises coming out of CineVegas this year. You can check...
Kirk | September 2, 2009‘The Tournament’ Poster, Stills, Trailer, Bullets, and Smiles!
High octane, blood-bathed British action thriller… That’s how Mann Made Films is referring to their latest film, ‘The...
General News
Kirk | September 2, 2009‘Star Trek’ Getting IMAX Re-Release
At 100 IMAX locations, you will have the opportunity to check out J.J. Abrams’ ‘Star Trek’ if you...
Kirk | September 2, 2009Paul W.S. Anderson Takes on ‘The Three Musketeers’
In news that is sure to have fans of any of the filmed adaptations of ‘The Three...
Featured Articles
Kirk | September 2, 2009Hump Day Horribleness: ‘The Hellcats’
One of the great features over at the Internet Movie Database is the Bottom 100. Based on ratings...
Kirk | September 2, 2009“Get U Home” Video from ‘Sorority Row’
I’m posting this article on two accounts. 1) We are always looking for an excuse to post...
Kirk | September 2, 2009‘Iron Man 2’ Coming At You in 3D
It’s one thing to shoot a movie in 3D, a la James Cameron’s ‘Avatar,’ where every, little intricacy...
General News
Kirk | September 2, 2009Lionsgate Sets Some Kick-Ass Release Dates
Just a few weeks after Lionsgate bought up the distribution rights for Matthew Vaughn’s ‘Kick-Ass,’ the studio has...
General News
Travis Keune | September 2, 2009‘Deadman’ Feature Adaptation Still Alive
DEADMAN was a project that first got wind about three years ago when Warner Bros saw it as...
General News
Michelle McCue | September 1, 2009‘Wizard of Oz’ Update
From the horse’s mouth comes new word on ‘The Wizard of Oz’ remake. Todd McFarlane spoke exclusively...
Kirk | September 1, 2009First Shots From the ‘MacGruber’ Set
The ‘MacGruber’ film has begun filming in Albuquerque, and JustJared was on hand to snap up some set...
Featured Articles
Movie Geeks | September 1, 2009Top Ten Tuesday: Ensemble Comedies
Funny movies make us laugh, that’s a no-brainer. But, what happens when you get a movie with LOTS...
General News
Kirk | September 1, 2009First Picture of a CG Smurf
We’re still nearly a year and three months away from the release of Raja Gosnell’s feature film adaptation...
General News
Travis Keune | September 1, 2009Fox Moving Forward With ‘Fantastic Four’ Sequel
20th Century Fox is seemingly responding to Disney’s major purchase of Marvel and is moving forward in it’s...