General News
Travis Keune | October 15, 2009Ridley Scott considers RED RIDING
Director Ridley Scott is considering a run at remaking the RED RIDING trilogy. The miniseries is a study...
Travis Keune | October 15, 2009Jon Favreau NOT directing AVENGERS
In an impromptu interview with MTV, Jon Favreau cleared a few things up related to his involvement in...
Travis Keune | October 15, 2009“Captain” Lou Albano Dies at 76
Louis Vincent Albano, better known to his fans as “Captain” Lou Albano, died Wednesday of natural causes at...
Fantastic Fest 2009
Matt | October 14, 2009Fantastic Fest 2009: RAMPAGE Review
Matt’s Take: I must confess, this is the first Uwe Boll film I’ve ever seen. And if he...
General News
Kirk | October 14, 2009DAYBREAKERS Farms Up a New Poster
Short and to the point, just like this poster courtesy of MTV, this image is damned impressive. It...
Kirk | October 14, 2009FRANKENWEENIE Could Come to Us in Black & White 3D
We love seeing a story about a boy and his dead dog come together. Such is the case...
Kirk | October 14, 2009Chris Pine Could Teach Jack Ryan THE ART OF MAKING MONEY
Okay, so we’ve got two straws in one milkshake on this one, but that’s what happens when you...
Scott | October 13, 2009Poster Giveaway: ONG BAK 2 poster signed by Tony Jaa
Yes boys and girls, we are giving away a signed ONG BAK 2 poster from Tony Jaa! This...
General News
Scott | October 13, 2009Promo trailer for THE EXPENDABLES is incredible
Well judging from this “promo” trailer for THE EXPENDABLES, this movie is going to kick our asses. Directed...
Kent | October 13, 2009Fantastic Fest 2009 – DOGHOUSE Review
I have to say that Fantastic Fest goers were the perfect audience to enjoy this soon to be...
Featured Articles
Rob S | October 13, 2009Graphic Nature – HALO 3: ODST Review
The Halo franchise has been one of the biggest things to hit the gaming industry. It has a...
Travis Keune | October 13, 2009IFC Films’ NIGHTMARE hits DVD
IFC Films’ NIGHTMARE, directed by Dylan Blank and starring Jason Scott Campbell and Nicole Roderick, hit DVD on...
Kirk | October 13, 2009First TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE Photos Circulate
TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON is still a month away from seeing release, but production on the third film,...
Kirk | October 13, 2009INDEPENDENCE DAY Sequel Still on the Horizon?
After raking in over $300 million back in 1996 (which amounts to almost $500 million adjusted), it’s a...
Kirk | October 13, 2009WARCRAFT Gets a War-Torn Writer
Okay, maybe not war-TORN, exactly, but the guy has cut his teeth on a couple of war movies,...
Film Festivals
Adam Keune | October 12, 2009CIFF Review: FISH TANK
Chicago International Film Fest 2009 – Review: Fish Tank “Fish Tank” as in: confined, transparent quarters. Like a...
Kirk | October 12, 2009Mandalay Options HORNS
The apple sure hasn’t fallen far from the tree in the King household. Joe Hill, the 37-year-old son...
Comic Books
Kirk | October 11, 2009Bryan Singer Could Return for X-MEN 4
It doesn’t take a skilled critic of the art form of motion pictures to see the drop off...