General News
Kirk | October 28, 2009Hammer These First Shots from THE RESIDENT Into Your Head
There are a number of reasons to be ecstatic about the upcoming thriller, THE RESIDENT. For one,...
Kirk | October 28, 2009Ang Lee Gets a LIFE OF PI
Being someone who reads roughly two books every three years, I’m not going to say that you should...
Kirk | October 28, 2009Peter Berg Could Be Out of the DUNE Remake Business
If you know me, then you know I’m all about Peter Berg and most of his projects. ...
General News
Kirk | October 28, 2009New, New SHUTTER ISLAND Trailer Hits
Every once in awhile, probably about twice a year, I will refuse to watch the trailer for an...
General News
Scott | October 27, 2009Review: THIS IS IT
I went into this movie having absolutely no idea what to expect from it, since the trailer didn’t...
Travis Keune | October 27, 2009Coen Bros’ TRUE GRIT Draws Big Names
Anyone who knows me personally knows that I’m an insatiable uber-fan of the Coen Brothers. They are to...
Travis Keune | October 27, 2009Keira Knightley is MY FAIR LADY
A while back, we posted a Fantasy Cast discussion piece regarding who should be cast in the role...
Kirk | October 27, 2009Steve Carr Bringing Johnny 5 Alive
What can really be said about the director of PAUL BLART: MALL COP coming on board to direct...
General News
Kirk | October 27, 2009Xavier Gens Headed for THE FALLOUT
While it isn’t a surprise to hear how I feel about some of the issues that befell Xavier...
Featured Articles
Rob S | October 27, 2009Graphic Nature – WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 PlayStation 2 (PS2), PlayStation 3 (PS3), PlayStation Portable (PSP), Wii, Nintendo DS, and...
Kirk | October 27, 2009GREEN ZONE Trailer Brings You In
Ever since Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass first teamed up for 2004’s THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, the stock the...
Kent | October 27, 2009DVD Review: STAN HELSING
It’s very easy to hate a movie like this. It might as well be part of the SCARY...
Kirk | October 27, 2009James Cameron’s Original AVATAR Might NOT Be All That Original
Tell me what book/movie/cartoon series/video game the following synopsis sounds like: A paraplegic telepathically “connects with an artificially...
Kirk | October 27, 2009First 5 1/2 Minutes of BOONDOCK II Gets a Little Hairy
As much as I defend Troy Duffy’s BOONDOCK SAINTS, I have to give a bit of a confession...
Kirk | October 27, 2009Sly, Arnie, and Bruno Together Again for EXPENDABLES
THE EXPENDABLES long surpassed that point where it became every, 80s geek boy’s dream. Once Stallone signed up...
Kirk | October 26, 2009THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE Logo Will Thrill You
Why do I say that those silver (and a little bit of red) words against a black background...
Kirk | October 26, 2009New SHERLOCK HOLMES Poster Hits
By deductive reasoning, I have determined that the new poster for SHERLOCK HOLMES, courtesy of Cinematical, was not...
Kent | October 26, 2009Discuss: Who Should Direct the Live Action GHOST IN THE SHELL?
Recently Variety reported that Laeta Kalogridis was hired to adapt the famous manga/anime GHOST IN THE SHELL (GITS)...