General News
Kirk | November 1, 2009Review: THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL
A few years back, after the Grindhouse craze was running rampant thanks to Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez’s...
Travis Keune | November 1, 2009Review: EARTH DAYS
Here we are, the day after Halloween. The day of the dead, All Hallow’s Eve, has come and...
film scores
Kirk | October 30, 2009Sirius XM Lists Top 101 “Halloween Horror Score Chop Down”
Quick, what’s the scariest horror film score out there? I’m sure a couple of no-brainers came to mind,...
Kirk | October 30, 2009Featurette Friday: Happy, Happy Halloween from Silver Shamrock
Some of you may not have seen HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH. Some of you may...
General News
Nick K | October 30, 2009Thursday Night Scares Up Some Good Comedy
There are two bits of good news to report about NBC’s Thursday night comedies. One is that...
General News
Scott | October 30, 2009Heath Ledger directed music video has been released
One of Australia’s old school hip hop gods NFAMAS wanted to do a solo project. He called it...
Travis Keune | October 30, 2009Dennis Hopper Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
Actor, writer, director and artist Dennis Hopper has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. On October 1st, we reported...
Kirk | October 30, 2009TROPIC THUNDER Scribe Taking on MEN IN BLACK 3
With a $589 million worldwide take for the first film and a $441 million worldwide pull-in for the...
Kirk | October 30, 2009SIN CITY 2 Still Flashing That Elusive Carrot
It appears every once in awhile we are going to get a little morsel of information about a...
Kirk | October 30, 2009Anthony Hopkins Set to Play THOR’s Daddy
You just knew with a high-profile director like Kenneth Branagh on board taking control of THOR there would...
Kirk | October 29, 2009AVATAR Official Site Gives Us a Nice Shot of a Cliff
There has been a barrage of footage from Cameron’s upcoming AVATAR. So much so, in fact, in...
Academy Awards
Michelle McCue | October 29, 2009Governors Awards Presenters: Tarantino, Huston, Demme, and Douglas
Earlier today AMPAS released the names of the presenters at this year’s Governor’s Awards. I preferred it when the...
Kirk | October 29, 2009Epic 3 1/2 Minute Trailer for AVATAR Hits in HD
Earlier today, we brought you a four-minute behind-the-scenes clip of AVATAR, and, during that, I let you know...
Kirk | October 29, 2009Ridley Scott Delves Into the ALIEN PREQUEL Timeline
Break out the abacus, because Sir Ridley Scott is about to explain the time frame of his upcoming...
General News
Kirk | October 29, 2009TWILIGHT Vampires Will Glimmer For One More Night
Evidently $383 million worldwide against a $37-million budget just isn’t enough for some studios. Summit Entertainment announced...
Kirk | October 29, 2009Four Minutes in the Behind-the-Scenes Closet with AVATAR
I’ve got to level with you. I don’t get the ecstatic, fanboy reaction to seeing AVATAR a little...
Kirk | October 29, 2009Adam Sandler to Play JACK AND JILL
Adam Sandler seems to be bouncing his career around three, different types of film. He’s got the dramatic...
Kirk | October 29, 2009Tony Scott Loves Chippendales
For a second there, I had a vision of Tony Scott directing a rebooted version of CHIP ‘N...