Kirk | November 6, 2009New WOLFMAN Poster Surprisingly Lacking in Anything Wolfie
Regardless of Mr. Title Character making nada an appearance in the below poster, courtesy of Cinematical, it is...
Tim Buel | November 6, 2009McKellen Has Read THE HOBBIT
The chaps over at Sci-Fi Wire have gotten their hands on a recent statement from actor Ian McKellen...
Kirk | November 6, 2009DARK FIELDS Are in Bradley Cooper’s Future
Always on the lookout to post a picture of an adorable monkey. The other guy, the one smiling,...
Kirk | November 6, 2009Review: A CHRISTMAS CAROL
Unnecessary and lifeless. These two adjectives describe better than any my thoughts behind A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Robert Zemeckis’...
Travis Keune | November 6, 2009Review: FIVE MINUTES OF HEAVEN
When one thinks of a powerful film, what comes to mind? An epic saga? A grandiose drama? A...
General News
Travis Keune | November 6, 2009Review: THE FOURTH KIND
For decades now, we’ve wrestled with the controversial and frightening mystery of alien abductions. We’ve debated until we’re...
Coop and Leah | November 6, 2009Review: THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS – He Said/She Said
I’d like to introduce you all to our newest hosts of He Said/She Said. John Cooper and Leah...
Kirk | November 5, 2009These Are Some KICK-ASS Character Posters
It certainly doesn’t bother me that a film gets marketed by way of character posters, if A) those...
General News
Travis Keune | November 5, 2009Guttenberg, Selleck & Danson to Reunite for THREE MEN AND A BRIDE
If you’re hip and have been following the extraordinary HBO programming they have to offer, than you know...
General News
Scott | November 5, 2009Watch Bruno prank Pete Rose…
BRUNO hits shelves on November 17th and here is what you can expect on the bonus features. This...
General News
Nick K | November 5, 2009New Season Surprises, and Some Not So Surprising
With all the new shows that the networks put out it can be hard to tell which ones...
Scott | November 5, 2009Who wants to see THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS tonight?!
THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS is one of the most unconventionally funny movies I’ve seen this year,...
Kirk | November 5, 2009LET ME IN Gets a Teaser Poster
Matt Reeves’ new adaptation of LET ME IN has begun production, and, today, courtesy of the film’s Twitter...
Kirk | November 5, 2009Danny Boyle Getting His Mountain Climbing Gear on For 127 HOURS
Director Danny Boyle is going to have to trade that Oscar in for a pickax, and, if I...
Kirk | November 5, 2009Pierre Morel is Getting SIGNALS
French director Pierre Morel is getting to be quite the prolific director. He had a huge hit earlier...
Kirk | November 4, 2009Angelina Jolie’s SALTy New Trailer is Released
Thank God! Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor are starring in a movie together, and we have the...
Featured Articles
Rob S | November 4, 2009Graphic Nature – DJ Hero
Over the past five years the Guitar Hero series has been one of the most popular games in...
Kirk | November 4, 2009GENTLEMEN BRONCOS Limited Release Shrinking As We Speak
It started as kind of a throw-away tweet from our friend Chase Whale: GENTLEMEN BRONCOS is no longer...