Kirk | November 28, 2009Review: THE ROAD
Underneath the grit, grime, grey skies, and melancholy of THE ROAD, there is a heart to it, an...
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Tim Buel | November 27, 2009Trailer: EXAM
I love films that use one location. So much extra suspense is added due to the fact that...
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Kirk | November 26, 2009Happy Thankgsiving From WeAreMovieGeeks
From all of us at We Are Movie Geeks to all of you, we wish you a very...
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Scott | November 25, 2009Review: NINJA ASSASSIN
James McTeigue first brought us a film that is easily in my top 50 films all time, V...
General News
Kirk | November 25, 2009WOLFMAN Even Scary in Thailand
I don’t speak Thai, nor do I have the ability to read something in Thai. The website...
Kirk | November 25, 2009SHREK FOREVER AFTER Gets First Shot/Synopsis
SHREK FOREVER AFTER just seems like an act in overkill. Many (those who actually appreciated the humor...
Kirk | November 25, 2009Official Shot of JONAH HEX Released
I can hear the photographer now. “Give me a little scar, Josh. A little scar. ...
Featured Articles
Scott | November 25, 2009WAMG Interview: James McTeigue for NINJA ASSASSIN
During this years Fantastic Fest I got a chance to sit down with James McTeigue to talk about...
General News
Kirk | November 25, 2009Freddy Kruger’s New Look Revealed Through Hard Plastic
There has to be a Top 10 list devoted to this idea some day of a character’s look...
Kent | November 25, 2009TV Review: THE PRISONER
THE PRISONER was a cult classic TV show from the 1960s about a spy who knew just a...
Featured Articles
Andy Triefenbach | November 25, 2009I Heart Horror: The Resurrection!
Pardon me fiends. I have been away for so long. It has been over a month...
Travis Keune | November 25, 2009Making-of Featurette for DE REPENTE, LA PELÃCULA
Check out this link to the making-of DE REPENTE LA PELICULA featurette from writer/director Luis Armando Roche. The...
Kirk | November 25, 2009ZOMBIELAND 3-D is a Lose/Lose Situation
ZOMBIELAND was a near-perfect zombie picture that offered as many laughs as it did thrills, and, overall, it...
Kirk | November 25, 2009THE BOOK OF ELI Poster And Denzel’s Perfect Face
I remember reading or hearing something years ago about how Denzel Washington’s face is perfectly symmetrical right down...
General News
Travis Keune | November 25, 2009Review: FANTASTIC MR FOX
FANTASTIC MR FOX is very mildly fantastic. That’s not a knock. The film is great, but it’s great...
Travis Keune | November 25, 2009Review: THE HORSE BOY
Roughly one out of every ninety children are born with autism. Approximately one percent of children in the...
General News
Kirk | November 25, 2009Review: OLD DOGS
A turkey. Over stuffed. More sour than cranberry sauce. As flat as a thin layer of mashed potatoes....
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Michelle McCue | November 24, 2009THE LOVELY BONES: New Poster and Early Reviews
Here’s the latest, chilling poster for Peter Jackson’s THE LOVELY BONES via MySpace: Courtesy: MySpace And Kris Tapley...