General News
Kirk | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: OBSELIDIA
Films about strange people falling in love is kind of a staple for any, decent film festival. ...
General News
Kirk | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: 7 DAYS
What’s a film festival without a good tale of revenge? Director Daniel Grou looks to have a pretty...
Kirk | January 11, 2010ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Movie Moving Forward
In news that is sure to excite more than a few friends of mine, actor Will Arnett confirmed...
General News
Scott | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: HOWL
James Franco is known for comedy, but for any of you that watched MILK knows the guy definitely...
General News
Scott | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: THE RUNAWAYS
THE RUNAWAYS brings us a child actor all grown up, and a teenage actor all grown up in...
General News
Scott | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: CYRUS
The Duplass Brothers are 2 of my favorite people in the business, and I am glad they are...
General News
Scott | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: LUCKY
I am a huge fan of Jeffrey Blitz, SPELLBOUND and ROCKET SCIENCE are both really great films and...
General News
Scott | January 11, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: SKATELAND
First off let me say that I absolutely love movies that are based in the 80’s, maybe it...
Featured Articles
Travis Keune | January 10, 2010Focused Favorites: PHOEBE IN WONDERLAND
FOCUSED FAVORITES is an ongoing taste of my personal favorites, narrowed down with a fine-tooth comb, into very...
Kirk | January 10, 2010STAR TREK Sequel Gets its Stardate
It was officially announced just before the weekend began that the highly anticipated sequel to J.J. Abrams’ STAR...
General News
Movie Geeks | January 10, 2010Sundance 2010 Preview: BURIED
94 minutes of watching Ryan Reynolds trapped in a coffin. To some, this might sound like some sort...
General News
Kirk | January 10, 2010Review: DAYBREAKERS
The Spierig Brothers (Michael and Peter) follow up their 2003, loose-fitting zombie flick UNDEAD with something a little...
General News
Scott | January 9, 2010College Football, Booze and Women… can’t wait for BLUE MOUNTAIN STATE!
Its no secret that I love College Football… I am also fond of Women and Alcohol and with...
General News
Scott | January 9, 2010KICK-ASS gets a theatrical trailer… that kicks ass!
Finally, a KICK-ASS trailer that is both awesome and doesn’t suck without being red-band. In the trailer you...
General News
Douglas Chaplin | January 9, 2010THE A-TEAM First Official Teaser Trailer
MakingOf.com has up the first official teaser trailer of the re-imagining/ reboot of THE A-TEAM starring Liam Neeson...
General News
Travis Keune | January 8, 2010Review: CRAZY ON THE OUTSIDE
Generally speaking, when a comedy hits theaters to the moviegoers surprise, having not heard of the film, it’s...
Michelle McCue | January 8, 2010Art Directors Guild Nominations
Obvious picks were SHERLOCK HOLMES, STAR TREK, AND AVATAR. Once again, no love for NINE, but I was...
Travis Keune | January 8, 2010Discuss: Are they remaking 80’s Classics too soon?
I’m sort of recycling this a bit, borrowing the idea and news from Cinematical, but it got me...