Michelle McCue | January 24, 201016th Screen Actors Guild Awards Winners
In a repeat of last week’s Golden Globes Awards, Jeff Bridges, Sandra Bullock, Christoph Waltz, and Mo’Nique took...
Featured Articles
AJ | January 24, 2010Sundance Interview: Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine
We sat down to interview the two stars of the horror comedy TUCKER AND DALE VS. EVIL which...
Scott | January 23, 2010Sundance Review: HESHER
When I saw the stills from HESHER I was under the assumption that this movie would be a...
Sundance 2010
Douglas Chaplin | January 23, 2010Sundance: 2 New Clips from Duplass Brothers CYRUS
MakingOf.com has up two clips from the Duplass brothers Sundance homecoming film “Cyrus.” Both clips are hilarious, check...
General News
Kirk | January 23, 2010Sundance Review: ENTER THE VOID
Sometimes there are casual movies you watch, leave, go home, and probably forget, forever stored away in your...
General News
Michelle McCue | January 23, 2010Miss Jean Simmons, R.I.P.
British Actress Jean Simmons passed away on Friday evening at her home in Santa Monica, CA from lung...
General News
Travis Keune | January 22, 2010Sundance Review: DADDY LONGLEGS
What exactly does it mean to grow up? Does becoming an adult, or more to the point, does...
General News
Travis Keune | January 22, 2010Review: LEGION
Now we have it folks, another vision of the end of mankind. Another tale of God turning his...
General News
Kirk | January 22, 2010Sundance Review: GET LOW
The long list of deeply and realistically flawed characters legendary actor Robert Duvall has portrayed now has one,...
General News
Melissa Howland | January 22, 2010Review: TOOTH FAIRY
Do you want the Tooth? You can’t handle the Tooth! Tooth Fairy is a cutesy flick that you...
General News
Travis Keune | January 22, 2010Review: CRAZY HEART
If you were to dig up and dust off your old Encyclopedia Britannica and locate the phrase “washed...
General News
Scott | January 21, 2010Red Band HOT TUB TIME MACHINE is here… again
I wasn’t sure what to think when I saw the first HOT TUB TIME MACHINE trailer but from...
Sundance 2010
Scott | January 21, 2010Sundance: Video Blog Day 1
That’s right boys and girls, Day 1 video blog of Sundance, before Jeremy arrived. AJ and I kick...
Sundance 2010
Scott | January 21, 2010Sundance: Spotlight Documentary Announced
So the secret screening has been announced, and its the Banksy documentary called EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP....
Michelle McCue | January 21, 2010BAFTA Nominations
AN EDUCATION, AVATAR, and THE HURT LOCKER each saw eight nods as this year’s BAFTA awards nominees were...
Kirk | January 21, 2010Who Wants to See EDGE OF DARKNESS With the Movie Geeks?
If you are anything like us, you miss the days of Mel Gibson kicking tail and completely forgetting...
General News
Travis Keune | January 20, 2010Lucas Envisions STAR WARS Universe in 3D
Behold, fans of the far, far away and long time ago tales of intergalactic war… George Lucas envisions...
Kirk | January 20, 2010Discuss: Obvious Collaborations That Never Happened
While sitting and thinking about the upcoming remake/sequel to ALICE IN WONDERLAND (trust me, it’s not something I...