Coming to Theaters
Michelle McCue | April 22, 2010Kato in 3-D and in 2011? Say It Ain’t So GREEN HORNET
From Sony Pictures Twitter page comes the news today that their big event film, THE GREEN HORNET, will (shocker!)...
Kirk | April 22, 2010Breck Eisner on the Upswing with ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK Remake
New Line Cinema’s job in getting an ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK remake of the ground and into theaters...
General News
Kirk | April 22, 2010Review: OCEANS
The immersion into beauty on display in Disneynature’s second release, OCEANS, is staggering and absolutely undeniable. Directors Jacques...
Kirk | April 22, 2010FRIDAY THE 13TH 2 Pronounced DOA
At least, that’s the word from Platinum Dunes producer Brad Fuller via his Twitter page. When a fan...
Kirk | April 21, 2010Who Wants a Third BAD BOYS Movie?
Martin Lawrence. That’s who. And why shouldn’t he? Per his contract (at least with 2003’s BAD BOYS II),...
Kirk | April 21, 2010AVATAR 2 Headed for the Ocean
Because it’s been a few months since we’ve talked about AVATAR, let’s get into some business with the...
Kirk | April 20, 2010Who Wants to See A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET With the Movie Geeks?
1, 2, Freddy’s coming for you, but he may be invading your nightmare a few days earlier than...
Featured Articles
Movie Geeks | April 20, 2010Top Ten Tuesday: Outrageous 80’s Action Flicks
Beck’s lyrics come to mind… “I’m a loser, baby, so why don’t you kill me?” For the team...
Movie Geeks | April 19, 2010Who Wants to Win a BAD BATCH DVD and Poster?
Writer/director Abe Schwartz’s feature film BAD BATCH becomes available to consume today, but We Are Movie Geeks has...
Kirk | April 19, 2010BOND 23 Put on Indefinite Suspension
MGM and their financial woes are creating havoc on some of our favorite and most anticipated franchises. While...
General News
Travis Keune | April 19, 2010Review: BAD BATCH
Imagine if Ingmar Bergman had directed a stoner comedy written by Richard Linklater, a la SLACKER. Now, if...
Kirk | April 19, 2010STAR WARS Blu On Its Way
Oh, to be a fan of the STAR WARS franchise this week, especially if you are lucky enough...
General News
Travis Keune | April 16, 2010Review: VINCERE
Pardon my French (or, shall I say Italian) but, history has produced some truly monstrous assholes. One of...
General News
Travis Keune | April 16, 2010Review: TERRIBLY HAPPY
Audiences should find themselves terribly satisfied with TERRIBLY HAPPY, co-written and directed by Danish filmmaker Henrik Ruben Genz....
Comic Books
Kirk | April 13, 2010Joss Whedon AVENGERS Bound
What a strange choice Marvel Studios has made today, but one that is sure to have comic book...
Kirk | April 12, 2010Who Wants to See THE LOSERS With the Movie Geeks?
THE LOSERS aren’t dead, and they aren’t going down without a fight, either. You can watch this fight...
Comic Books
Kirk | April 12, 2010CG Suit in GREEN LANTERN’s Future
Work on the Martin Campbell-directed GREEN LANTERN is well underway, as production began earlier in the month in...
Kirk | April 12, 2010PREDATORS Writers Have the Power of Grayskull
The one thing most people who see the trailer for the new PREDATORS film say is that it...