Michelle McCue | June 21, 2010Have A First Look at Momo From THE LAST AIRBENDER
THE LAST AIRBENDER’s Facebook page has exclusively posted a first look at Momo. Click here to see the...
Michelle McCue | June 20, 2010THE LAST AIRBENDER “Elements” TV Spot & Cast Appearance
Attention Michigan readers. Paramount Pictures THE LAST AIRBENDER’s Nicola Peltz & Jackson Rathbone will be signing autographs 3-4:30pm...
Geek Crush
Michelle McCue | June 20, 2010JAWS: “See It Before You Go Swimming”
Martin, it’s all psychological. You yell barracuda, everybody says, “Huh? What?” You yell shark, we’ve got a panic...
Featured Articles
Travis Keune | June 20, 2010Celebrate the Lunar Eclipse with ‘TWILIGHT NIGHT’ in St. Louis
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2010New THE LAST AIRBENDER Pictures and TV Spot!
From Trailer Addict comes the latest tv spot for M. Night Shyamalan’s THE LAST AIRBENDER. If you haven’t...
General News
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2010Get Turned on By This MIDDLE MEN Trailer
Mike Fleming over at Deadline Hollywood directs us to Paramount Vantage’s newest trailer for the upcoming MIDDLE MEN. Cool...
General News
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2010PIRANHA 3D Takes a Bite Out of a New Release Date
Who could wait for this spectacle after the trailer debuted in April. And now PIRANHA 3D will be in theaters a...
General News
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2010THE SOCIAL NETWORK Poster Debuts
This newly released poster via FirstShowing from Columbia Pictures recommends that you “LIKE” the movie THE SOCIAL NETWORK on 500MillionFriends.com. The film...
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2010Alexander Skarsgard Boards BATTLESHIP
From THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER comes news that Alexander Skarsgard, (yummy vampire Eric of HBO’s True Blood), will star in...
Michelle McCue | June 19, 2010RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE Poster and Trailer
IGN has this new poster for RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE. Pretty sweet, eh? Synopsis: In a world ravaged by...
Michelle McCue | June 18, 2010Cast Announced for WAR HORSE
Empire Online was the first with the news that director extraordinaire Steven Spielberg has a cast for his lastest film,...
Michelle McCue | June 18, 2010First Look: Posters and Trailer for ALPHA AND OMEGA
Check out these new character posters from the upcoming 3D Animation film ALPHA AND OMEGA courtesy of MSN Movies....
Comic Books
Michelle McCue | June 18, 2010On The Set of Favreau’s COWBOYS & ALIENS
Director Jon Favreau tweeted this peek at the set of his new film COWBOYS & ALIENS, Dreamworks’ and...
General News
Travis Keune | June 18, 2010Review: TOY STORY 3
TOY STORY 3 is the fitting end to a very memorable trilogy of family-friendly films, enjoyable by kids...
General News
Travis Keune | June 18, 2010Review: SOLITARY MAN
If there were a contest for ranking the best movies about a cliché older man, womanizing young women...
General News
Andy Triefenbach | June 18, 2010Review: JONAH HEX
With games like RED DEAD REDEMPTION out on game consoles, westerns seem to be the new black within...
Michelle McCue | June 18, 2010The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Grand Opening
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort kicked off its grand opening celebration tonight with...
Travis Keune | June 17, 2010Early Progress on X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Casting
In case you’ve been wondering what Marvel has in store as the next chapter in the X-Men movie...