Film Festivals
Michelle McCue | July 30, 2010Darren Aronofsky’s BLACK SWAN To Open 67th Venice Film Festival & In Theaters On December 1st
Fox Searchlight announced on Friday that BLACK SWAN, starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel and Mila Kunis, will open in select...
Michelle McCue | July 30, 2010LOTTERY TICKET Featurettes
Warner Bros. Pictures has released these featurettes, “Brandon T. Jackson Saves The World, ” “Bill Bellamy Du Rag...
Michelle McCue | July 30, 2010WAITING FOR SUPERMAN “Take the Pledge” Campaign
General News
Melissa Howland | July 30, 2010Review: THE EXTRA MAN
Oh, it’s the age old question of man… Do you become a proper gentleman, or do you indulge...
General News
Melissa Howland | July 30, 2010Review: CHARLIE ST. CLOUD
What if you never really had to lose the one person that you really love, as long as...
General News
Michelle McCue | July 30, 2010Review: DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS
In one of the more unnerving comedies of the summer, DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS tries to lure the viewer in...
Jim Batts | July 30, 2010Review: GREAT DIRECTORS
Filmmaker Angela Ismailos decides that the best way to learn about cinema is by interviewing several veteran movie...
General News
Travis Keune | July 30, 2010Review: CATS & DOGS – THE REVENGE OF KITTY GALORE
The original CATS & DOGS (2001) was a decent kids’ movie, now followed nine years later by a...
Michelle McCue | July 28, 2010THOR Comic Con Trailer
The trailer for THOR that appeared at Comic Con is finally here and it looks fantastic. “Whoever wields...
Michelle McCue | July 28, 2010See The New YOGI BEAR Trailer & Poster
I kid you not. From YAHOO! Movies comes this first teaser trailer for “everyone’s favorite pic-a-nic basket-stealing bear YOGI...
General News
Michelle McCue | July 28, 2010LOST’s Damon Lindelof Rewriting ALIEN Prequel
Mike Fleming of Deadline New York has news that Damon Lindelof has taken his first big solo screenwriting...
Melissa Howland | July 28, 2010Who Wants to See DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS With the Movie Geeks?
Hey all you St. Louis Schmucks… We have a brand new contest for a movie TONIGHT! Come see...
Film Festivals
Melissa Howland | July 27, 2010THE TOWN Will Premiere At Toronto International Film Festival
Relax all you theater buffs… I said “The Town” not “Our Town“! Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that...
Featured Articles
Movie Geeks | July 27, 2010Top Ten Tuesday: Schmucks in the Movies
Who doesn’t like Steve Carell, or Paul Rudd, for that matter? Two of the coolest guys in comedy...
Michelle McCue | July 26, 2010Zack Snyder’s SUCKER PUNCH Trailer Is Here!
As was seen at Comic Con, here’s the first trailer for Zack Snyder‘s SUCKER PUNCH, now up at Apple...
General News
Michelle McCue | July 26, 2010THE OTHER GUYS “The Other Premiere” Contest – St. Louis Is In The TOP 5!!!
Hot Damn!! ST. LOUIS HAS MADE THE TOP 5!! Help get Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell to ST....
Melissa Howland | July 26, 2010Win Passes To See: SCOTT PILGRIM vs. THE WORLD
You’re excited… I’m excited… WE’RE ALL EXCITED FOR SCOTT PILGRIM vs. THE WORLD!!! Win free passes to one...
General News
Andy Triefenbach | July 26, 2010DTB! Presents LATE NITE GRINDHOUSE: [REC]2
DESTROY THE BRAIN’s LATE NITE GRINDHOUSE is proud to bring 2 to The Hi-Pointe Theatre for a St....