Michelle McCue | October 12, 2010Big 3-D Sequel Planned For HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON In 2013
DreamWorks Animation Fires Up the Big Screen in 3D With Sequel to Critically Acclaimed ‘How to Train...
Michelle McCue | October 12, 2010TRANSFORMERS 3 Bumblebee Car Wreck
More bad news (and a bad scene) from the set of Michael Bay’s TRANSFORMERS: THE DARK OF THE MOON From Fox...
Michelle McCue | October 12, 2010FASTER’s New Trailer & Sweepstakes
CBS Films has released the new “green-band” trailer for Dwayne Johnson’s FASTER. You can also see the red-band...
Melissa Howland | October 11, 2010Win Passes To: HEREAFTER
Ok all you Matt Damon lovers… Clint Eastwood has a new film out, HEREAFTER, and we are giving...
Melissa Howland | October 11, 2010GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE… THE CONTEST
“Down here, it’s our time. It’s our time down here. That’s all over the second we ride up...
Michelle McCue | October 11, 2010Roger Deakins Will Receive The 2011 American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) Lifetime Achievement Award
Brother, if there’s one cinematographer who really should have an Oscar sitting on his mantle by now, its...
General News
Movie Geeks | October 10, 2010TRON: LEGACY Countdown
We have some exciting news on the kickoff of Walt Disney Pictures’ TRON: LEGACY countdown to the film’s...
Melissa Howland | October 9, 2010Win Passes To JACKASS 3D
Hi, I’m Melissa Knoxville (HAHA… yeah right!) and your watching Jackass. Well, reading it… We here at WAMG...
General News
Jim Batts | October 9, 2010Review: LIFE AS WE KNOW IT
As 2010’s movie year marches toward the big final holiday season Hollywood releases another attempt to capture the...
General News
Jim Batts | October 9, 2010Review: MADEMOISELLE CHAMBON
Affairs have been the subject of many dramatic films thru the years. NOW VOYAGER and BRIEF ENCOUNTER concern...
Michelle McCue | October 9, 2010THE DILEMMA Trailer Revised
Universal Pictures has released a new trailer for THE DILEMMA. According to Deadline.com protests led the studio into revising...
General News
Melissa Howland | October 8, 2010Review: NEVER LET ME GO
Kathy H., Ruth, and Tommy (Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightly, and Andrew Garfield) were seemingly normal kids in an...
Andy Triefenbach | October 8, 2010Review: MY SOUL TO TAKE
When a director from horror’s heyday comes back to visit the genre he helped shape, most horror fans...
Movie Geeks | October 8, 20102D Release For HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PT. 1
From Warner Bros.: Warner Bros Pictures has made the decision to release “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...
Based on a True Story
Michelle McCue | October 8, 2010Weir’s THE WAY BACK Trailer Debuts
By way of The Playlist, the Guardian.co.uk had debuted the first trailer for Peter Weir’s THE WAY BACK....
Michelle McCue | October 8, 2010BLUE VALENTINE Trailer & MPAA Dons It With An ‘NC-17’ Rating
The first trailer for BLUE VALENTINE, followed by a clip of the film, comes to us courtesy of Yahoo!...
Michelle McCue | October 8, 2010New Video & Photos Of Jolie and Depp In THE TOURIST
Here’s the latest video, along with a few new photos from THE TOURIST. Synopsis: Johnny Depp stars as an...
Based on a True Story
Michelle McCue | October 8, 2010Review: SECRETARIAT
At last we’re off to the races with the opening of SECRETARIAT – the rousing tale of the 1973 Triple Crown...