All posts by Movie Geeks
Movie Geeks | May 26, 2009
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Greatest Animated Movie Characters
With this weeks release of ‘Up’ we decided it was only fitting to have a Top Ten list...
Movie Geeks | May 22, 2009
Five Reasons Why: You need to see ‘Brothers Bloom’
Five Reasons Why is a column devoted to explaining why we at We Are Movie Geeks think you...
Movie Geeks | May 19, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Evil Machines
Since ‘Terminator: Salvation’ is coming out Friday we decided to do a Top Ten Evil Machines list. We...
Movie Geeks | May 12, 2009
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Greatest Opening Scenes
They are the first things we see. They are the launching point for your film. They...
Movie Geeks | May 8, 2009
Five Reasons Why… You need to see ‘Star Trek’ this weekend
Welcome to “Five Reasons Why” our new column where we explain the top five reasons to see, not...
Movie Geeks | May 6, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Movies About the Wrongfully Accused
To bring another realism to the situation of the WM3, we decided to put together the top 10...
Movie Geeks | May 1, 2009
19 Movies you Need to see this Summer, or we aren’t your friends!
Because you rely so much on our opinion and we rely on you relying on our opinion we...
Movie Geeks | April 28, 2009
Women of Horror Film Festival – Chicago 2009
We Are Movie Geeks (Travis and Kirk) attended the Horror Society’s Women of Horror Film Festival at the...
Movie Geeks | March 20, 2009
Review: ‘I Love You, Man’
Jerry: I was lucky enough to get passes to an advance showing of I Love You, Man a...
Movie Geeks | March 17, 2009
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Movies about Getting Drunk!
Short but sweet, here’s our lists of our Top 10 Movies about getting drunk, hammered, wasted, plastered… whatever...
Movie Geeks | March 11, 2009
WAMG Interview: Kevin Strange (NSFW)
While covering Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors in Chicago, we managed to get a few minutes set aside to...
Movie Geeks | February 20, 2009
Review: ‘Must Read After My Death’
Ram Man: I received an email from Gigantic Releasing wanting to know if I would screen their new...
Movie Geeks | February 20, 2009
Review: ‘Fired Up!’
Jeremy: There’s a pretty big distraction found throughout the new comedy ‘Fired Up!’. Â Actually there are a...
Movie Geeks | February 16, 2009
What if… David Lynch had created ‘Star Wars’ instead of George Lucas?
We’re really going out on a limb here by stoking some pretty hot embers, I’m sure, but the...
Movie Geeks | February 13, 2009
Review: ‘The International’
Travis: ‘The International’ is the newest effort from director Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run, Paris, je t’aime) and...
Movie Geeks | February 13, 2009
Review: ‘Friday the 13th’
Melissa: Finally! A decent horror film! Friday the 13th was way better than I thought it would be…...
Movie Geeks | February 13, 2009
Review: ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’
Jennifer: It is always interesting to see a book brought to life in a movie. Stories with which...
Movie Geeks | February 9, 2009
Review: ‘Coraline’
Nick: ‘Coraline’ is an amazing movie and an exemplary piece of animation. Directed by Henry Selick (The Nightmare...