All posts by Movie Geeks
Movie Geeks | November 3, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Classic Stories That Should NOT Be Adapted Again
While the idea of ceasing the overall usage of adapting stories, classic or otherwise, into feature films is...
Movie Geeks | October 25, 2009
Kevin Strange and the Hack Movies family have returned with their newest cinematic endeavor into low-budget, uncensored debauchery…...
Movie Geeks | September 29, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Best Fast & Slow Moving Zombie Flicks
It’s time for out Top Ten of the week and this time we’re doing things a bit differently...
Movie Geeks | September 15, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: High School Principals
With Diablo Cody’s new high school horror film JENNIFER’S BODY tearing it’s way onto screens this Friday and...
Movie Geeks | September 8, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Animated Science Fiction
When it comes to animated films, most of them out there are comedies or fairy tales and usually...
Movie Geeks | September 1, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Ensemble Comedies
Funny movies make us laugh, that’s a no-brainer. But, what happens when you get a movie with LOTS...
Movie Geeks | August 25, 2009
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Best Horror Remakes
In case you haven’t noticed, Hollywood loves a good remake. New ideas don’t have to be dealt with,...
Movie Geeks | August 20, 2009
Top Ten Thursday: Tarantino’s Dialogue
Yes, that’s right. We Are Movie Geeks love Quentin Tarantino SOOO much that we’re giving you two, count’em...
Movie Geeks | August 18, 2009
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Tarantino’s Characters
In case you’ve literally been living under a rock, you should be aware that Quentin Tarantino’s newest masterpiece...
Movie Geeks | August 11, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Best Films From First-Time Directors
A lot of times, a filmmaker’s first feature film is a passion project, something they’ve been working on...
Movie Geeks | August 4, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Animated Series Based on a Movie
Usually we see animated cartoons as a separate entity from live-action movies, or else they spawn a major...
Movie Geeks | July 28, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Comedians Turned Actors
They make us laugh. They make us cry. Okay, maybe not so much. But they...
Movie Geeks | July 14, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Best Movie Wizards
10. The Wizard of Oz (The Wizard of Oz, 1939) He was supposed to have all the answers...
Movie Geeks | July 7, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Films of the 2nd Half of 2009
We are here in the last half of 2009, the back nine, as they call it in the...
Movie Geeks | June 30, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Best of 2009, So Far…
June 1st is upon us. We have reached the halfway point of the year in movies. ...
Movie Geeks | June 23, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: The “Good” Machines
Since we did the Top Ten Evil Machines list a couple weeks ago for ‘Terminator Salvation’, it was...
Movie Geeks | June 9, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Greatest Action Duo’s
We did a greatest Comedy Duo’s, and it was only a matter of time before we handed out...
Movie Geeks | June 2, 2009
Top Ten Tuesday: Vegas Movies
In honor of this weeks must see Vegas/funniest movie of the year ‘The Hangover’, we decided that it...