
“Under Law and Grace” TV Series Review – We Are Movie Geeks


“Under Law and Grace” TV Series Review

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A scene from French TV crime drama “Under Law and Grace.” © Cécile MELLA / FTV / MOTHER PRODUCTIONS. Courtesy of MHz Choice

At the risk of appearing as slothful as I actually am, MHz Choice is releasing two more episodes of this light French crime drama, “Under Law and Grace” (“Priere d’enquetere”) that I reviewed in May, 2023. Since the cast, setting and premise for these 90-minute tele-films is essentially the same as in the first four, here’s the link to that prior review:

If you’re still with me, thanks for indulging my desire not to rewrite the previous copy. As slowly and erratically as I type, redoing all of that would be quite onerous. (I’ve already revised the preceding sentences several times.)

So, these two outings pick up shortly after the first four. Clement is still a novitiate in the order and an official consultant for the police, working smoothly now with Elli and Franck. In the first, a sous chef is found in the swimming pool by the café where he works. Make that “worked”, since he’s floating face-down and fully clothed without a raft. (Perhaps chefs would prefer lolling on those noodle things, rather than rafts, when relaxing in the waters. But I digress.) An old flame of Elli’s shows up as an investor in the business… and possible suspect. Will she wind up rekindling the romance or arresting him? Different outcomes may call for different styles of handcuffs.

In the second, a stonemason took what was probably an involuntary dive from the top of the monastery to the pavement below. He was in no condition to tell them which after the predictable outcome. Along with the investigation, Clement continues searching for the biological parents who left him with the monks in his infancy. Both stories are as well-written as the first four, providing self-contained mysteries and some progression in the trio’s personal arcs. Elli’s sisters are (mercifully) less annoying in these episodes. The second held the suspense a bit better than the first. These aired in France just over a year ago, so they may not be finished with our likable protagonists. As before, no cliffhangers of consequence, but the desire for further adventures with them in their idyllic (other than the killings, of course) setting would be quite welcome.

“Under Law and Grace” (“Priere d’enquetere”), mostly in French with English subtitles, is available streaming on MHzChoice starting Oct. 22.

RATING: 3 out of 4 stars