“Deadly Tropics” Season 4 (French) – TV Series Review
Regular readers know how much I’ve enjoyed the first three seasons of ”Deadly Tropics (Tropiques Criminels),” a relatively light-hearted police procedural set in Martinique, starring two attractive, yet totally opposite in every way, detectives and a recurring cast of colleagues, family members and the occasional romantic sidebar.
Here’s a link to my previous reviews for those starting anew with this 4th season, or wanting to refresh their memories:
As before, the season is eight hour-long episodes. Other than an opening two-parter, the rest present new crimes for our intrepid duo of Commander Melissa (Sonia Rolland, Captain Gaelle (Beatrice de la Boulaye) and their crew. Their oil-and-water personalities clash before they prove effective, as is customary for the genre. The elegant Melissa is still serious and by-the-book; tomboy Gaelle remains playfully indifferent to procedures while laser-focused on solutions. Respect and friendship have evolved, but friction between them over procedures and attitudes still flares up kind of regularly. And mostly amusingly.
The murders du jour occur in the context of other crimes, ranging from human trafficking and sexual websites, to a ritual serial killer, assorted wackos and illegal MMA fighting. There are more romantic byplay and domestic problems for both stars than before, including a couple of annoyingly surly teenagers (is that a redunmdancy?). Though the stories are stand-alone episodes, they’ll be much better appreciated by seeing the earlier years first, rather than starting with this set. Some prior characters and subplot threads recur.
There’s still levity coming from several sources complementing the dramatic side. There’s not much violence and gore on display – less than many of our prime-time network cop shows. A few aspects of Season 4 made it slightly less enjoyable for me (did I mention the annoying teenagers?), but others may differ. This round ends on a note that compels a fifth season for closure. Deal me in when it arrives.
“Deadly Tropics (Tropiques Criminels): Season 4,” mostly in French with English subtitles, streams on MHz Choice starting Tuesday, Dec. 19.
RATING: 3 out of 4 stars