Spencer Tracy and Ingrid Bergman in DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE Available on Blu-ray May 17th From Warner Archive

“Now, what sort of a gentleman doesn’t like to help a pretty girl?”

Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner and Ingrid Bergman in DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE (1941) will be available on Blu-ray May 17th from Warner Archive. It can be preordered at the Warner Archive Amazon Store

Laurence Olivier once observed that he “learned more about acting from watching [Spencer] Tracy than in any other way.” Undertaking the dual title role in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Victorian science-fiction thriller, Tracy fulfilled that compliment by abandoning his characteristic down-to-earth image for the most terrifying portrayal of his career. Also cast “against type” are “Sweater Sweetheart” Lana Turner as Jekyll’s fiancée and Ingrid Bergman, who plays Hyde’s victimized Cockney mistress. Tracy and director Victor Fleming (Gone with the Wind) decided to break with convention by interpreting Hyde from a Freudian perspective instead of portraying him as the usual physically grotesque monster, and he emerges as a menacing distortion of the sexually frustrated Jekyll. To Tracy fans, this amazing piece of virtuosity will come as an unforgettable revelation.

- NEW 2022 1080pHD Master from 4K scan of best surviving preservation elements
- Cast: Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman, Lana Turner, Ian Hunter, Donald Crisp
- Directed by Victor Fleming
- BD-50
- B&W
- 113 Minutes
- Aspect ratio: 16×9 1.37 with side mattes
- Audio Specs-DTS-HD MA 2.0 MONO
- Includes Theatrical Trailer (HD)