James Stewart, Lana Turner, Hedy Lamarr and Judy Garland in ZIEGFELD GIRL Available on Blu-ray June 7th From Warner Archive

“Mr. Ziegfeld says, if I don’t watch my figure, no one else will.”

James Stewart and Judy Garland in ZIEGFELD GIRL (1941) will be available on Blu-ray June 7th from Warner Archive. It can purchased at the Warner Archive Amazon Store

An amazing all-star cast came together for this beloved classic drama about love and fame, set against the backdrop of the legendary Ziegfeld Follies. Judy Garland, Lana Turner, and Hedy Lamarr–three of the screen’s most glamorous leading ladies-star with James Stewart as young hopefuls seeking fame as a Ziegfeld Girl. Garland portrays Susan Gallagher, who leaves her vaudevillian father to climb the ladder of stardom. Turner portrays Sheila Regan who drops her loyal beau Gilbert Young (James Stewart) for a wealthy suitor, forcing Young to resort to bootlegging to earn the money to win Sheila back, and Hedy Lamarr is the exotic Sandra Kolter. whose quest for stardom nearly destroys her marriage to the struggling violinist who adores her. Highlighted by spectacular musical sequences staged by the great Busby Berkeley, Ziegfeld Girl represents the kind of colossal entertainment only M-G-M could bring to the screen.

Special Features:
- Introduction By Judy Garland Biographer John Fricke
- Vintage Musical Short-A New Romance Of Celluloid, We Must Have Music
- Our Gang Short-Melodies Old And New
- Audio-Only Outtakes: Too Beautiful To Last (Tony Martin); We Must Have Music Finale (Judy Garland And Tony Martin)
- Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)