THE ADAM PROJECT Starring Ryan Reynolds: Win Passes To The Virtual Screening On February 28th

On March 11 THE ADAM PROJECT, from director Shawn Levy (REAL STEEL, NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, FREE GUY, Producer of ARRIVAL and LOVE AND MONSTERS), debuts on Netflix.
A time-traveling pilot teams up with his younger self and his late father to come to terms with his past while saving the future. The film stars Ryan Reynolds, Zoe Saldana, Mark Ruffalo, and Jennifer Garner.
You’re Invited to the Virtual Premier of THE ADAM PROJECT on Tuesday, February 28, 2022 at 7:30CT
And the best part – Ryan Reynolds will introduce the film on the evening of the premiere so that you can watch from the comfort of your own home!
RSVP by 2pm on Friday, February 18, 2022
Enter your name and email address in our comments section for a chance to win.
Watch The Adam Project, on Netflix March 11: