Doris Day in LULLABY OF BROADWAY Available on Blu-ray November 23rd From Warner Archive

“He’s lost everything but his accent!”

Doris Day in LULLABY OF BROADWAY (1951) will be available on Blu-ray November 23rd from Warner Archive

Doris Day is at the top of her form in this 1951 Warner Bros. musical classic, which gave Doris a chance to not just vocalize with her usual excellence, but to also show of her impressive dancing talents. The prospect was daunting for the star, as a car accident during her youth left her with severe injuries, and she was told that she would have to put aside her dreams of becoming a dancer. Vocally talented as she was, she rose to fame as a big band singer, which eventually led to her screen stardom. When preparing for this big-budget musical’s finale to the famous title tune, the steps of the studio set towered before her like a pyramid. All Doris Day had to do was dance up and down those steps wearing a flowing gold lamé dress. “You’ve got to be out of your minds,” Day exclaimed in a voice head across the soundstage. “I can’t even walk up and down those stairs.” She danced divinely – and sang in this musical delight about a singer newly arrived in New York… and destined for Great White Way fame in the capable company of costars Gene Nelson, S.Z. Sakall, Billy De Wolfe, Gladys George, and Florence Bates. Savor the Oscar®-winning* title tune, Cole Porter’s “Just One of Those Things,” “Somebody Loves Me” and five more swell songs. C’mon along and listen to (and watch) this Lullaby of Broadway.

Includes Theatrical Trailer (HD)

LULLABY OF BROADWAY stars Doris Day, Gene Nelson, S.Z. Sakall, Gladys George, and Billy DeWolfe