Jean Harlow and John Barrymore in DINNER AT EIGHT Available on Blu-ray October 26th From Warner Archive

” I never could understand why it has to be just even, male and female. They’re invited for dinner, not for mating.”

Jean Harlow and John Barrymore in DINNER AT EIGHT (1935) will be available on Blu-ray October 26th from Warner Archive

Dinner at Eight, a vastly entertaining behind-closed-doors glimpse into the lives of the troubled and troublemaking who’s who of people invited to a posh Manhattan party, is served with ample helpings of humor and melodrama. Buoyed by the success of the studio’s multistarred, multistoried Grand Hotel the year before, producer David O. Selznick aspired to something grander – and found it in this George Cukor-directed adaptation of the George S. Kaufman/Edna Ferber stage hit. Highlights include Jean Harlow and Wallace Beery’s bitter battle of the sexes, hostess Billie Burke’s hissy fit and Marie Dressler’s grande dame worldliness. Of course, there’s only one way to catch all the great moments. Dinner at Eight. Don’t be late.

• 1080p HD master from 4K scan of best preservation elements!
• Documentary Profile Harlow: The Blonde Bombshell, Hosted by Sharon Stone
• Parody Comedy Short Come to Dinner
• Theatrical Trailer (HD)