Movies You Need To see
James Garner and Rod Taylor in 36 HOURS Screening at The Wildey Theater in Edwardsville September 7th

“We are patrolling the border so then the young, strong, and handsome men can go to Russia and freeze to death.”

James Garner and Rod Taylor in 36 HOURS (1964) is one of the more obscure films to play at The Wildey’s Tuesday Night Film Series, but we’ll be there! This thriller will be on the big screen when it plays at The Wildey Theater in Edwardsville, IL (252 N Main St, Edwardsville, IL 62025) at 7:00pm Tuesday September 7th. $3 Tickets available starting at 3pm day of movie at Wildey Theatre ticket office. Cash or check only. (cash, credit cards accepted for concessions) Lobby opens at 6pm.

Just days prior to the launch of D-Day in June 1944, the Nazis kidnap Maj. Jefferson Pike in Lisbon and transport him to Germany. They have established an elaborate ruse to convince him that it is 1950 and that the war is long over. They have built a replica of an American hospital, staffed it with English-speaking personnel and tell Pike he has been suffering from periodic loss of memory since the war’s end. What they really want to learn is where the Allies will launch their assault on Fortress Europe: the Pas de Calais or Normandy. He is initially taken in and gives away the plans for the Normandy invasion. Once he realizes what is happening, he not only has to convince them he was lying the first time around but find a way to escape.