Nicholas Cage Film PIG At 97% On Rotten Tomatoes – See The NEON Film Playing Now

NEON’s latest movie PIG stars Oscar-Winner Nicolas Cage (LEAVING LAS VEGAS, THE CROODS, MANDY, COLOR OUT OF SPACE and the voice of Spider Noir in the Academy Award winning Best Animated Feature “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse”) and Alex Wolff (OLD, HEREDITARY, JUMANJI: THE NEXT LEVEL). It is the story of a truffle hunter who lives alone in the Oregonian wilderness and who must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped.
PIG, which opened on July 16, presently sits at a solid 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and the reviews for Cage have been glowing.
Richard Roeper (Chicago Sun-Times) says “The unpredictable Cage delivers some of his best work in years.”
Kristy Puchko (Pajiba) “Pig is not only a mesmerizing while meditative drama about love and loss. It is also a powerful reminder that Cage is one of the most talented, most captivating movie stars of our time.”
David Sims (The Atlantic) “In Pig, Cage is the mournful center of a clever story about how commercialism rots the purity of artistic expression. It’s some of his best, most nuanced work in years.”
Ty Burr (Boston Globe) “”Pig” is a thoughtful, well-made movie for an audience primed for junk: It’s pearls before swine.”
Anne Brodie (What She Said) “Cage’s unshowy, quiet and visceral presence dominates every frame. Rob’s pain and will and history elevate him to a higher plane.”
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Director Michael Sarnoski edited and produced the Netflix-acquired documentary, The Testimony, which was shortlisted for the 2016 Academy Awards in the best documentary short category.
PIG is his writing and directorial debut. Sarnoski says of his film, “Truffle hunters will camp out on their porches at night, shotgun in hand, to fend off competing hunters trying to steal their valuable pigs and dogs. What? That was one of those facts that felt otherworldly yet immediately relatable to me, and that’s where PIG started. It got me imagining what sort of person would be so attached to their truffle pig that this would be a quest worth following. Then came the image of this tattered old man, alone in the woods with only his pig. Where did he come from? Then his world and history started to unfold around him, and PIG began to take shape.”