Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly in TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME Available on Blu-ray July 20th From Warner Archive

“Fast worker, that boy. He just met her and he’s rounding third.”

Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly in TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME (1949) will be available on Blu-ray July 20th from Warner Archive. Ordering information can be found HERE.

Whether its Batter up! or Curtain Up!, Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly are ready when they play early-1900s 1900s vaudevillians who spend the winter performing onstage and the summer performing on the field.

The Wolves baseball team gets steamed when they find they’ve been inherited by one K.C. Higgins, a suspected “fathead” who intends to take an active interest in running the team. But K.C. turns outs to be a beautiful woman who really knows her baseball. Second baseman Dennis Ryan promptly falls in love. But his playboy roommate Eddie O’Brien has his own notions about how to treat the new lady owner and some unsavory gamblers have their own ideas about how to handle Eddie.