Greetings Starfighter! 1984 Sci-Fi Classic THE LAST STARFIGHTER Sequel Update – Watch The Sizzle Reel From Screenwriter Gary Whitta’s THE LAST STARFIGHTERS

“Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.”
For those of you who remember seeing director Nick Castle’s sci-fi gem in theaters during the summer of 1984, those words are ingrained in your memory!
THE LAST STARTFIGHTER tells the story Alex Rogan (Lance Guest), an arcade game whizz-kid whose wildest dreams comes true when he finds himself enlisted to fight in an interstellar war. The movie also starred Dan O’Herlihy, Catherine Mary Stewart and the great Robert Preston as “Centauri”. It’s still a fun, great film to watch!
Now screenwriter Gary Whitta (Rogue One, The Book of Eli, Star Wars Rebels, The Walking Dead) has revealed the sizzle reel for THE LAST STARFIGHTERS, the sequel which fans have long been waiting for.
The original score was from composer Craig Safan.
Whitta, a huge fan of the original movie, also spoke about the potential sequel over on his Twitch channel where he says they did the concept art to show the studios what the film will look like.
The updated score is from composer Chris Tilton.

The 1984 Sci-Fi classic THE LAST STARFIGHTER is currently available on Blu-ray from Arrow Video HERE or as a rental on many streaming platforms.