‘Tis the season to get even! Mel Gibson as Santa in FATMAN Opens Today in St. Louis at The Plaza Frontenac

This holiday season, you don’t want to be on his hit list!

FATMAN starring Mel Gibson and Walton Goggins opens in St. Louis today at Landmark’s Plaza Frontenac Theater. Check their website for times HERE.

Check out the trailer:
To save his declining business, Chris Cringle (Mel Gibson), also known as Santa Claus, is forced into a partnership with the U.S. military. Making matters worse, Chris gets locked into a deadly battle of wits against a highly skilled assassin (Walton Goggins), hired by a precocious 12-year-old after receiving a lump of coal in his stocking. ‘Tis the season for Fatman to get even, in the action-comedy that keeps on giving.