See GONE WITH THE WIND Sunday Night June 14th at the Sky View Drive-in in Litchfield, Illinois

“As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.”

GONE WITH THE WIND screens Sunday Night June 14th at the Sky View Drive-in in Litchfield, Il. (1500 Historic Old Route 66) This is part of the Sky View’s ‘Throwback Sundays’. The second Sunday of the month, they screen a classic movie. Admission is only $5 (free for kids under 5). The movie starts at dusk (8:45-ish).
The Sky View’s site can be found HERE.

Watching Scarlett O’Hara transition from a very pampered, spoiled, whiny, self-centered plantation belle to a woman of great spirit and strength in GONE WITH THE WIND is remarkable. GONE WITH THE WIND is a soaper set against the most splendid of backdrops; the civil war. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable are still the most memorable couple in cinematic history and their romantic scenes are still wonderful to watch. David O. Selznick’s crowning achievement as a producer and Victor Fleming’s best film as a director. The technicolor is still some of the richest and most powerful of film history. This blew audiences and critics away in 1939 and it does not fail to enthrall even today. it actually only improves with age. Unfortunately, many of the post-baby boom generation visiting this site have not had a chance to see, or be impressed by the 1939 classic GONE WITH THE WIND. The Tivoli is offering this chance to see it on the big screen and I hope everyone take advantage of this opportunity.

Here is the rest of The Sky View’s ‘Retro Sunday’ line-up for the summer:
July 12 – BULLITT
August 9th – CHRISTINE
September 13th – CLUELESS
October 11th – FRANKENSTEIN