Jewish Film Festival Screening – BROKEN TRUST: ATHLETE ABUSE EXPOSED June 15th

The Jewish Community Center invites their members to join them and the Indianapolis JCC for an online screening of BROKEN TRUST: ATHLETE ABUSE EXPOSED Monday, June 15, 7pm. Registration is complimentary. Register by 4pm on June 15. Register Online. followed by a panel discussion with filmmaker Jill Yesko, attorney Jon Little, and elite gymnast and survivor Jessica Armstrong. Here’s the trailer for this documentary:
Trailer for Broken Trust: Athlete Abuse Exposed from jill yesko on Vimeo.
Broken Trust gives voice to the courageous women and men who have dared to speak up against abuse on all levels. Told through interviews with Olympic and national-class athletes, coaches and experts, Broken Trust looks at how and why abuse takes place and what needs to be done to stop it. Beyond the attention-grabbing headlines, this documentary gives viewers a candid look at the secret world of sexual and emotional abuse experienced by athletes. With unflinching honesty, Broken Trust shows how athletes are isolated and ostracized for speaking out, how parents are pressured to keep silent when confronted by predators in the guise of well-meaning coaches, and how athletes who dare to challenge the status quo are denied much-needed financial assistance.

This program will also be available through Facebook live at JCC Indy Arts.

With the foundation of awareness about sexual abuse brought about by the #metoo movement, Broken Trust is a film whose time is now.