
It Happening! Zack Snyder Announces HBOMax To #ReleaseTheSnyderCut in 2021 – We Are Movie Geeks


It Happening! Zack Snyder Announces HBOMax To #ReleaseTheSnyderCut in 2021

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After global passionate fan calls to action and the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, HBO Max and Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that it will exclusively world premiere Zack Snyder’s director’s cut of the Warner Bros. Pictures/DC feature film Justice League in 2021.

Snyder surprised fans with the news this morning during a live online commentary of his film Man of Steel with Henry Cavill.

#ReleaseTheSnyderCut first became a passionate rallying social media cry among fans in 2017 and has not let up. From countless press articles and hundreds of thousands of social media mentions, it became a powerful global movement among cinephiles and comic book fans.
“I want to thank HBO Max and Warner Brothers for this brave gesture of supporting artists and allowing their true visions to be realized. Also a special thank you to all of those involved in the SnyderCut movement for making this a reality,” said Snyder.

“Since I got here 14 months ago, the chant to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut has been a daily drumbeat in our offices and inboxes. Well, the fans have asked, and we are thrilled to finally deliver. At the end of the day, it really is all about them and we are beyond excited to be able to release Zack’s ultimate vision for this film in 2021. This could never have happened if it weren’t for the hard work and combined efforts of the teams at HBO Max and Warner Bros. Pictures,” said Robert Greenblatt, Chairman, Warner Media Entertainment and Direct-To-Consumer.

“When Zack and Debbie shared the extraordinary vision of where Zack wanted to take Justice League, my team and our counterparts at Warner Bros. took it as a mission to solve the many issues that stood in the way,” said Kevin Reilly, Chief Content Officer at HBO Max, President, TNT, TBS and truTV. “Thanks to the partnership at Warner Bros. and the relentless pursuit of the entire WarnerMax team we are able to deliver this incredibly exciting moment for Zack, the fans and HBO Max.”

“Thanks to the efforts of a lot people, we’re excited to bring fans this highly anticipated version of Justice League,” said Toby Emmerich, Chairman, Warner Bros. Pictures Group. “This feels like the right time to share Zack’s story, and HBO Max is the perfect platform for it. We’re glad the creative planets aligned, allowing us to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut.”
In Justice League, fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions. 

The Justice League screenplay is by Chris Terrio, story by Chris Terrio & Zack Snyder, based on characters from DC, Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The film’s producers are Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, with executive producers Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas, Jim Rowe, Ben Affleck, Wesley Coller, Curtis Kanemoto, and Chris Terrio.

Below are the highlights from the watch party on Wednesday morning:

The filmmaker brought a pile of storyboards from the film.

Mentioned his love of Hans Zimmer’s opening cue and how “Kryptonian animals took notice of Kal’s birth” in his explanation of storyboards. “They are the bible of the movie.”

“Kryptonian Council wardrobe was inspired by original Planet of the Apes movie. Art nouveau was the theme for the set and spacecraft and architecture of council chamber.”

“Wanted to connect Jor-El the planet and ancient qualities with flying creature and the natural order.”

“Genesis chamber concept was based on the art of the culture – Russell Crowe was shot in a pool in Vancouver and was a physical set.”

“The moon was broken long ago by Doomsday – he could be brought into this cinematic universe and I liked the character. Have him involved in the movies, if there was movies and to plant some Easter Eggs – for later.”

“Finding Earth and knowledge prior was a way to plant notion that they knew of it. Chance that the codex is an ancient Krypton DNA with various levels of DNA could be stored. Visually symbolic of an organic thing and had a text of thousands of years of info – like an artifact of religious nature, like monks.”

“Lots of fertility symbols in Jor-El’s and Lara’s chambers. All armor costumes was CGI – couldn’t move well with physical costumes especially during fight between Zod and Jor-el. Guns were made by WETA. Joseph Campbell’s quote is on Superman’s costume. “And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.”

Snyder said it shows, “A hero’s journey and spiritual enlightenment and a cool way to think about the world and Superman’s journey.”

“There were talks about only speaking Kryptonian early on with subtitles on Krypton. Couldn’t be as immersive or accessible but had a Kryptonian alphabet early on.”

“Some of the set was real during Zod and followers banishment to the Phantom Zone. Some of the beautiful set was CGI. Super fun sequence to see ship go into the Phantom Zone.”

Snyder originally wanted the House of EL symbol or logo on the front of the ship for audiences to see as it came to Earth.

“We had cooperation with Dept. Of Defense and Coast Guard.” The scene when Clark is underwater, the helicopter shot was real and Snyder was in it during filming..

“Lot of out of focus shots – to flesh out details of this natural world in reference to Superman and notion of an alien living among us. His way in and a close connection for Superman.”

“Photographed Kent’s Farm near Batman’s house – physical connection and was inspired to be Wayne’s home. Iconic pickup truck that was seen in a movies. Pa Kent and Young Clark was shot over many days for lighting purposes. A beautiful scene between the two actors and iconic reveal of Jonathan letting Clark know he is Superman and the reveal of the ship hidden in the barn.  “You are my son” is a powerful flashback and memory of Clark’s.”

“I loved the notion that Clark was hitchhiking in one scene – he knew that something was important was happening as he tries to make his way in the world.”

“Amy Adams was an awesome Lois Lane and was blessed to get her to play the part. Special person and friend.”

“Glacier face and tunnel was twenty feet down – cool physical set. 20,000 years ago Kryptonians landed – on the computer is the surface of Mars and thought about having Doctor Manhattan in the scene. Easter Egg from Watchmen movie.”

“Big sci-fi spaceship coming out of the ice was cool. Shot Lois on the Glacier in a day and went on location.”

Daily Planet and Metropolis was shot in Chicago.

History lesson between Jor-El and Kal. A liquid history lesson that was state “sponsored showing the propaganda of the planet. Gave Crowe his reveal of the House of El on his chest/costume. “

“Superman still had codex inside so it’s possible to rebuild the destroyed Krypton – so in a way Zod was right in saying Kal has the power too. Ancestor of the House of El’s family black suit is different than the red and blue inclusive suit the public sees.”

Snyder says the “First flight concept with him jumping first and realizes his power – be amazing and knows his responsibility that comes with his power. His fist down scene and he knows what’s happening – and his first flight.”

Shot at Kent Farm over many days.

Spaceship coming out of the Phantom Zone – design of it is a nonstandard flying saucer.

Snyder said he liked the idea of Clark drinking a beer. “You are not alone” and POV shot by Kal. Had a 1950’s sci-fi classic invasion story.

“Clark grew up in Kansas and part of who he is culturally – symbolically and the philosophy book. Had aspirations. He has respect and believes in his father, and farming is noble. But his destiny lies beyond. Grapples with it in the church scene and conversation with the priest. What will he be asked and sacrifices and asked to give – gives himself to what will be morally right.”

“Floating Superman facing the army. And then ludicrous to be in handcuffs but he knows its right – the idea of it. He understands that it would make humans feel better. Moral dilemma.”

“Human characters around that are also heroes. Shot outdoor scenes at Edwards AFB.”

“Interesting first contact with a Kryptonian and the dropship. Found throughout the galaxy. Sci-fi docking port. It’s an invasion film in a lot of ways.”

“Shows Superman is vulnerable when he gets onto the ship – world engine. Shows Zod and crew watching how they got out of the Phantom Zone. Zod is a genius and is able to transport them to Earth and they discover the old outposts and dropships.  They want to transform Earth into a new Krypton, into an alien world. Transforming earth and superman into one of Zod’s followers.”

“Smallville battle was fun to shoot – a fight between Kryptonians on Earth. Multi Jor-els as AI’s in scoutship was a favorite sequence.”

“Shows Lois to the escapepod was exciting with all the Jor-Els.”

Snyder said the “Superman iconic reference to a ‘Savior’ as he falls is a powerful.”

Shot the IHOP scenes partially in Vancouver and Illinois.

Some wire work some CGI – tricky on the day of the battle in Smallville.

Iconic scene where Chris Meloni acknowledges that Superman “is our friend” is a favorite.

Process of terraforming and notion that the idea of what’s happens to humans is strong and real consequence and when they call Superman.

Deborah Snyder joined Zack Snyder in viewing room.

Fight between Zod and Superman for the survival of Earth. “Favorite Hans Zimmer music cue is the Superman theme – simple and emotional. The first few notes is so cool and iconic. We used it in Batman v Superman. You know its him and a way to reprise the emotion over the 2, potentially 3 movies.”

“Shot inside a hangar in a real cargo plane at Edwards AFB with Lois – a spaceship for real inside the plane. The real AF guys had to strap it down and they were in the scene. It was fun to hear how the plane really worked. The cockpit was a set.”

“The fly-in was one wires with the actors, Superman and Lois – no CGI. Very tricky.”

“Shannon was wearing a full CGI costume, even with the dirt in his hand and was complicated. Both said Shannon was very funny between takes and they were lucky to get him for the role.”

“Destruction of Metropolis was complex from lighting to CG to shooting it. Lexcorp logo was fun to put in and reference – a bigger world,” said Snyder.

Zod running up the building was their favorite part – he cant fly yet. And then sheds his armor – Zod is stronger than his armor.

“Difficult to shoot this scale through the city. Wayne industries logo on the satellite. Bruce Wayne is around in the city. He is looking up at the battle.”

Deborah said, “Superman saves the family and it was very controversial to kill Zod. But he ends up alone and we can debate but the real question, his legacy and he has chosen us over his people from Krypton. Torn a piece and reminiscent to not save his own people.”

Last day of shooting in the desert with Cavill was the final shot. Deborah added, “He looks so iconic here.”

And then Henry Cavill joined the pair on the VERO screening along with a Q&A.

Cavill and the team discussed his first time in suit. Cavill said, “It is difficult to forget – I put it on for screen test. So hush-hush and under wraps. I stepped outside and had that moment when everyone looked and it felt empowering to be in the Superman suit. It carried an extra magic in that moment.”

Both Snyders said, “Then we used Chris Reeves suit for the screen test as Cavill’s suit wasn’t ready. They got it out of storage and it was handled with white gloves. Reeves is like underwear outside and not heroic looking.”

Cavill asked if Jor-El’s construct was capable of love – how advanced was it. Snyder responded, “it’s not a complete person and it would undercut Jor-El’s sacrifice. A diary he wrote to his son so when he got to Earth and became Superman, he could talk to him. It carries the message of love.”

“I’m not personally in control of it – it exists and what I did with it,” says Snyder when asked about the release of the Snyder cut of Justice League movie.

“It’s not really up to me, but I would had left it on thumbdrive in a bathroom.”

Cavill interjects and laughed, “cuz yeah people love picking up a thumb drive in a bathroom”

Cavill also said on the Justice League Snyder cut, “I still love watching MAN OF STEEL and I remember watching the first trailer and what was going on in my life. It changed my career. I would love to see a version of Justice League without the mustache.”

Snyder said, “When Superman came back, he was iconic minus the beard and that look. It was always my intention to see that version and implication of the mustache. “

Deborah Snyder added, “we were on this journey with all these characters from Justice League. To become the team that would have been amazing.”

“I have it and we have to find a way of showing it one day,” said Snyder

Cavill then followed up “You should just show it.”

Snyder then shared the logo and said its happening!

“It’ll probably be in 2021. We’re doing it”

Huge passion for film scores, lives for the Academy Awards, loves movie trailers. That is all.